☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 8 ☯︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

♫︎ 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐱𝐚𝐧 ♫︎

"y/n, are you drunk yet?" kakucho asked as she took a seat in between him and kokonoi while takeomi and mochi sat on the end seats. "some what but like i said, i handle alcohol pretty well. also i sort of got sobered up not too long ago" she smiled to herself, remembering the scene that just took place.

kokonoi hummed and y/n shifted her gaze to the bonten logo on the side of his head. the room was pretty dim with only purple lights as their lighting but her vision was surprisingly unaffected. 

"whats on your mind?" kokonoi asked her once he saw that her attention was now on something else. "i want ome of you guy's tattoos. they look cool"

"you know, its not just for looks. once you have a tattoo that's meaning is something as bad as gang affiliation permanently on your body, theres no going back." takeomi said as the bartender refilled his glass.

"well im down for that. the feeling of constantly being on edge due to your life being in danger, is honestly a good adrenaline rush" y/n chuckled to herself while kakucho handed her a glass of water to make her future hangover not so bad.

"you're starting to sound like sanzu" takeomi playfully shook his head while y/n stood back up. "where are you going?" kakucho asked.

"to get inked, what else?" y/n began to walk off but kakucho caught up with her. "where are you getting it?"

"sternum" y/n said as she pointed at the middle of her lower chest area. "ah, so it wont be visible unless you're basically nak-"

"takeomi did say it wasn't for looks though, right" y/n cut him off immediately. as they got the exit of the club y/n felt a hand snake around her waste and landed on her hip.

she quickly reached for her pocket knife but turned her head to see that it was only sanzu. "why are you so quick to kill someone....jesus christ" sanzu groaned and used his other hand to push y/n's hand away from the knife in her pocket.

"you're one to talk" she mumbled with an eye roll. a slight smile made its way to kakucho's usually serious expression once they finally exited the club.

"so where are we going?" sanzu asked after removing his hand from y/n's hip. "tattoo shop so i can get bonten's signature tattoo" sanzu smiled proudly at this new information and they finally made it into the car.


"take a seat for me sweetheart" the tattoo parlor said. y/n did as she asked and laid down on the seat while kakucho and sanzu sat on the guest seats waiting for y/n.

"so what do you want done and where?" the girl asked y/n. she showed the parlor the design on her phone before unbuttoning the only button that was on her blazer as the middle of her chest was now exposed.

"are you sure she's about to get a tattoo because this look likes its going to lead somewhere else...im not complaining though. I'd love to watch two-"

"sanzu shut the fuck up" kakucho groaned since he was already getting tired of the slightly drunken pinkette. "you're so boring" he rolled his eyes at kakucho but was obviously ignored.

kakucho distracted himself on his phone while sanzu just watched y/n get the tattoo, his dream job suddenly changing into becoming y/n's personal tattoo artist.

"sanzu, come here" y/n said. sanzu stood up and walked over to y/n's slightly exposed figure. she reached for his hand and interlocked fingers with him as the inked needle began to repetitively pierce her skin.

sanzu surprisingly endured the squeezing pain and distracted himself by scrolling through his phone as he took occasional glances at y/n's calm face since all of her pain was being relived by squeezing the addict's hand.

as time went by, y/n looked up at sanzu and got an idea. "sanzu, you wanna make a bet about something?"


"im bored...so yes or no?" y/n waited for his reply and smiled when he shrugged with a sigh. "if i can get this ball of paper in the trashcan all the way over there, you have to tattoo my name somewhere on you"

"what if you dont get it?"

"i don't know...you get to choose a tattoo design of your choice and i have to get it" y/n shrugged. sanzu thought about it for a second then looked behind him to see kakucho's sitting figure.

"what do you think kaku?" sanzu asked. kakucho only nodded since he could care less about what the far from sober duo was getting themselves into.

y/n threw the paper ball to the direction of the trash can and with the luck of a protagonist, it went straight into it. "start thinking about your tattoo placement sanzu" y/n said with a teasing tone.


"it's honestly not so bad" sanzu said, looking at y/n's name going down the inner side of his right wrist, as it was accompanied next to his bonten tattoo.

on the other hand, y/n buttoned her blazer once again before the three walked out of the small shop, immediately being met with the night's darkness.

hey guyssss i have a question 😼

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hey guyssss i have a question 😼

out of rindou or sanzu, who should i have build a closer relationship to y/n romantically wise? 😈

ermm okay yuh thats it bye byeee ilyyy

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