☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 16 ☯︎

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☟𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

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☟𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

♫︎ 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ♫︎

continuing her walk into the building,
she saw many men walking around as if they were keeping gaurd. having a silencer on the gun that she took from kanji, nobody noticed that she pulled the trigger evertime she passed someone.

the only thing that made it noticeable was that the bodies fell behind her one by one as if she was poison.

in the blink of an eye and twelve bodies later, y/n made it to a door. an eerie feeling felt like it was being emitted from that very room which made y/n immediately know that she got the place right. she twisted the knob and it surprisingly opened.

the room was pitch black but before y/n could even look for a light switch, she felt a sharp pain shooting through her abdomen. a warm fluid could be felt as it traveled all the way down and got absorbed into the waistband of her sweats.

the lights finally turned on and as expected, she'd been wounded by a knife. looking around the room she saw her brother sitting in the corner with many bruises all over his body. there was also five men but ren was no where to be seen.

"Y/N" she heard hikaru call. with his weakened state, he tried to get up but one out of the five men pointed a gun straight at him. "pull that trigger and I'll kill you" y/n warned the man. "you're not my boss, why should i listen to you?"

"you're right, im not your boss but i can become your personal grim reaper if you'd like?" before the man could answer, y/n aimed her gun at him and pulled the trigger.

a loud round of gunshots were heard but y/n was able to avoid the directions of where the men were pointing their guns and just decided to aim for their most vital points, giving them an instant death with one shot.

"hikaru" y/n was able to let his name slip from her mouth since the pain from her stab wound was finally starting to get to her. she hurried over to his trembling body and wrapped her arms around him as his cries were muffled in her neck.

"well, well, well! i guess you're not as weak as i thought you'd be. you wiped out sixteen of my men all by yourself" she heard that familiar voice by the door.

she let go of hikaru and turned around slowly as her eyes met with ren's. "but...you didn't do all of that unharmed because...that sure is a lot of blood" he held a cigarette between his lips as he motioned to the wound on y/n's abdomen that she was slightly putting pressure on to lessen the bleeding.

"so tell me-" before he could speak, y/n stood up aimed a gun right to his forehead. "you know, if you kill me, you will have no future since you're going to be wanted by every gang that i have an alliance with"

"well in that case, i dont need a future" y/n was getting annoyed and ren noticed it since she began pressing the gun against his forehead.

"I've already accepted my fate but i know that I'll be leaving a mark on you for the rest of your life" he removed the cigarette from his mouth and allowed it to fall the the ground.

"the fuck are you talking about?" y/n groaned, placing her pointer finger on the trigger.

"one life lesson for you y/n....never be too careful" his words were followed by the sound of a gunshot. everything would've ended there if it wasnt for the fact that the gunshot sound didn't come from y/n's gun, but from the body laying on the floor behind her.

who was the bullet meant for? that question was answered when y/n saw her brother's bleeding out figure in the reflection of the wall sized mirror that was in front of her. "have you thought about why i said that you took out sixteen of my men and not seventeen?" ren asked.

"y/n, you didn't cause this so dont go blaming yourself for it." she heard her brother mumble before silence can over him including his breathing. y/n took a deep breath before grabbing ren by his hair and aggressively pushing him against the wall.

she then repeatedly began to bash his head against the concrete wall as blood stained his hair, y/n's hand, and the wall, making him go unconscious within the first couple of impacts. she then went over the the man who shot hikaru before kicking him in his abdomen, making him groan.

"what a scum fuck you are to kill a weakened fifteen year old who couldn't possibly fight back even if he wanted to....also, you did all of that just for some worthless piece of shit that you call your boss." y/n grabbed and handful of his hair and lifted his head so that he was looking directly at her face.

"now look at your boss...unconscious and bleeding from the head. you know who caused that? the bitch who he thought was going to be bontens weak point...."

y/n took the gun from her waist band and forced it into the man's mouth before pulling the trigger

she went over to sit beside hikaru's cold body and pulled him into her arm's, engulfing him into a hug as tears left her eyes. she didn't want to cry but tears kept falling and she couldn't help it.

y/n wanted ren to be alive when she would kill him so thats why she wanted to wait for him to regain consciousness.

y/n wanted ren to be alive when she would kill him so thats why she wanted to wait for him to regain consciousness

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i rlly wanted to go in detail about torturing ren so im saving that little scene for the next chapter 😰

anywho i hope the killing methods in this book arent too much for u guys lol.

rip to hikaru tho ☹️ i need to give y/n trauma bc thats what every mc has...well...most of them.

anyways i might write the 3rd part for this later tdy bc im in the mood to do a lot of writing and feeding u guys so yuhhh...

bye bye ilyyy <3

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