☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 19 ☯︎

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☟︎︎︎𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

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☟︎︎︎𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

♫︎ 𝐲𝐤𝐰𝐢𝐦 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐛 ♫︎

"wake up asshole"

"shut the fuck up sanzu" y/n groaned.

"fuck you, i didn't even say anything to your insomniac ass" y/n finally opened her eyes and was met with tired ones in return. "so why do i hear you talking?" she asked. "im replying to you, and besides i didn't wake you up, rindou did. so get mad at him".

"im too tired to get mad"

"but you just got mad at me-" sanzu frowned. "what do you guys want anyway?" y/n finally sat up and saw sanzu and rindou already dressed for the day. "well its my room dumbass and koko told us to give you this" sanzu handed y/n a small neatly wrapped box.

"oh, thanks. also, what time is it?" she asked since she looked out the window to see the busy streets of tokyo".

"its 7pm" rindou answered. y/n's eyes widened as she quickly looked at her phone that sanzu left on the charger. "oh shit, i promised myself that i'd wake up early enough incase mikey needed me for anything"

"mikey's the one who let you sleep in this late" sanzu rolled his eyes before walking up to his door to leave "come on rin". y/n looked down at the small box that was in her hand before hearing rindou call her name.


"rindou, come on you sloth fuck!" sanzu yelled from the hallway. "ill talk to you about it later then" rindou rolled his eyes before exiting the room.

y/n shrugged and returned her gaze to the small box. opening it, she saw a small necklace with a small cylinder shaped pendant with hikaru's name carved into the side.

a heavy sigh left y/n's mouth as she read the note that was under the urn designed into a pendant.

"dont let this get you down too low. hikaru will always be with you this way.     - koko"



after a couple minutes passed by, y/n finally decided to get out of sanzus bed to see where everyone else was. walking into the living room, she was met with silence. same results with the kitchen, meeting room, lobby, and basement.

she finally got annoyed and decided to call mikey.

"y/n?" he answered as the sounds of yelling was heard in the background. "where are you guys?" she asked, confusion clear in her voice.

"uhh, we needed you to get rest so we went on a mission so you could have time to yourself." he explained. y/n sighed quietly which grew confusion into mikey's thoughts. "did you not want to be by yourself?".

"no, no it's fine, i appreciate it. thanks. just let me know when you guys are done" with a hum in agreement, the call was ended.

y/n went back into sanzu's room to raid his closet which was successful (choose what you wanna wear). grabbing the keys to her bike, she took the elevator downstairs before getting onto it.

starting it, she decided to drive over to an old friend's house.


after a couple of knocks, the door finally opened. "where the fuck have you been y/n? i haven't seen you since you left juvie".

"well im here now, aren't i, kazutora?"

"if I'm not high on drugs right now then i guess this is real and you are here" kazutora smiled before pulling y/n into a hug. "remember when i told you about this place that we could go after we would get released from juvie?"

y/n only stared at him with a blank face before slowly turning around to walk over to her bike. "there's no way you dont have amnesia. how did you forget that?". kazutora said in a disappointed tone.

"it runs it my blood i guess"

"no y/n, it fucking gallops"


after a short drive to a ran down tunnel, kazutora and y/n made it to the said place that he was talking about. ", i wish hikaru could've seen this place"

"have you not found him yet?" the two continued to walk down the tunnel as they caught up with eachother. "just yesterday i did but i wasn't able to save him." kazutora frowned at her words

"you found him on your own?" he asked. "not exactly, bonten helped me" the sentences that most likely shouldn't be spoken so casually into thin air was said by the one and only y/n as kazutora stopped in his tracks.

"bonten? why are you associated with them?"

"i couldn't help it kazutora. i got used to it though.". she shrugged it off and continued to walk. "bonten isn't something that anyone should get used to y/n".

"you're worried about me dying but i wont get myself killed off by a low life so stop spazzing out". she laughed it off to ease the tension.

"you better keep your word"

"i will. i promise"


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i fucking missed writing for this book sm but i was forced to go on a hiatus due to personal reasons but im regenerated and i hope you enjoy the new chapters to come ilyyyyy ahhhh wtf

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