☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 9 ☯︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

♫︎ 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 ♫︎

as they were walking down the sidewalk to get back to the car, dim street lights being their only source of illumination, y/n felt the stares of drunkards on them but especially on herself. luckily though, she had kakucho and sanzu on either side of her.

as they neared the darker part of the street, a tense aura surrounded all three of them. y/n noticed the shadow of someone who seemed to be hiding in an alley and she immediately stopped sanzu and kakucho from walking and pointed to it.

sanzu reached for the gun in his waistband while kakucho did the same. "we already know that you're there!" sanzu yelled.

they heard a quiet and deep chuckle before four men and a woman walked out from the alley. y/n held a bored expression on her face since all she wanted to do was relax because of her slight headache.

"I'll take the girl" the woman said while the men just hummed in response. before they knew it, a loud round of gunshots was heard between sanzu, kakucho, and the four men.

the woman on the other hand, pointed a gun at y/n's forehead and as soon as the trigger was about to be pulled, y/n immediately bent her knees, making the bullet's trajectory far off.

y/n then grabbed her wrist as she slowly twisted it while staring at the women's pained expression and she eventually dropped the gun because of her paining wrist.

y/n caught the gun before it could hit the ground and pulled the woman into a choke hold with one arm and aimed the gun at her head with her other.

"what's your problem?" y/n asked but the woman couldn't speak due to her lack of oxygen. "y/n, dont kill her" she heard sanzu say. it seemed like they were done with their fight since four bullet filled bodies were bleeding out by their feet.

y/n slightly frowned at this before pushing the gun even furter against her temple.

"fine... but just know that if we ever meet again and you try some bullshit like that, i wont hesitate to kill you regardless of what they tell me" y/n said next to her ear with a quiet tone.

"a-are you threatening me?" she stuttered out of fear when y/n loosened the choke hold enough to allow her to speak. "no sweetheart, im promising you. now tell me you understand" y/n finally smiled.

"y-yes...i understand"

"whats your name by the way?" not even a second later, y/n was immediately answered.


"pretty name but thanks for being so obedient, sweetheart" y/n finally decided to let the woman go and yui panted once she did.

yui fell to her knees as she tried to steady her breath and the three bonten members finally continued to walk back to the car after their little incident and not even too long after their walk, they heard a gun fire.

y/n immediately turned around to see yui herself holding a bloodied gun in her hand that she seemed to have gotten from one of her dead companions.

y/n reached for the gun in sanzu's waistband, firing three shots at the woman, most likely killing her since all of the bullets did hit.

"so much for meeting her again" y/n frowned handing the rifle back to a suprised sanzu.

"yeah so much for not killing her too" the pinkette rolled his eyes. "if her bullet had hit you somewhere vital what would you have done?" y/n asked.

"kill her"


kakucho only sighed at the two's argument before trying to get back to the car without anymore inconveniences so they can report back to mikey asap.


"so you killed her?" mikey asked y/n and she nodded as they sat at the meeting table. it was the next morning and everyone was informed about what happened the previous night.

"and they had the tattoo of that akui gang?" mikey's question was now directed at kakucho this time and he nodded. mikey hummed in response and that let everyone know that the meeting was basically over since no more questions Were asked.

"speaking of tattoo, y/n what tattoo did you get?" ran asked. y/n was about to lift her hoodie up but immediately thought about it.

"its the bonten logo in the middle of my chest" y/n answered before standing up from the table to walk over to the couch. "can i see it?" ran smirked but y/n just shrugged.

"hey rin, why do you seem so tense?" kokonoi asked after picking up on his unusual behavior. "mr haitani here and y/n got drunk and borderline fuc-" sanzu stopped talking once he felt a knife against his neck.

as to be expexted it was y/n.

sanzu rolled his eye's and decided to keep his mouth shut. "borderline what?" ran questioned his brother who was quiet like always. "we borderline got alcohol poisoning..." he covered up.

y/n put her knife away before feeling sanzu's arm wrap around the back of her neck. "wasn't all that bad having a knife against my neck"

"kinky ass" y/n mumbled to herself but sanzu just smiled at her. "exactly".

yoooo sup😜

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yoooo sup😜

i hope u enjoyeddd this chap lollll i also have some hawt arcs coming up

anddd yuhhh ilysm take care of yourselves 👺

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