3, Transformers?

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We just got back from the police station, mom and dad were not happy at all. But at this point I could care less. All of the events from today have become too overwhelming, and I can feel an anxiety attack coming. Damnit.

Once we were done getting lectured I said I was going to my room to work on my math homework, but my heart was starting to beat out of my chest. Fuck.

My hands started shaking as I made my way down the hall. I couldn't stop the tears from falling when I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I had been trying so hard to get over it. Over everything that happened to us.

I don't know why this is happening.All I wanted was for things to go back to normal. Back to normal being with a family. A home. No more strange robots. I didn't want any of these memories in my head anymore.

The worst part is that I know this would always be there. It's a constant reminder. I guess its because I'm weak. That's probably part of it too. Oh god it could come back at anytime and kill us... Oh no. My panic got worse as all i could do was try to calm my breathing.

It wasn't long until it seemed like I could breathe again, even if my breathing still felt shaky.

After awhile and I started to calm back down, but head some strange russling from the hallway. I left my room and walked over to the source of the sound. It was Sam, on the phone, holding mojo. What?

"Satan's Camaro, Miles. Its back." Sam whisper yelled into the phone. My heart stopped, oh god. Are you kidding me?

Evently Sam hung up on miles and put the dog back on the floor.

"What do we do?" I panic, Sam seemed just as worried as me.

"Uh-Um... Grab a bike, now!" Sam hurried off to the garage, where he grabbed Mom's bike, and I grabbed my bike, a lot less flashy then mom's thankfully. We raced out the front door where the Car was waiting for us in the driveway, nd once we started pettling away from it, it followed.

I glaned at back at it to see who was driving, and was surprised by the answer.

"Sam! The car's fucking empty! No ones driving!" I yell,

"What! Oh god keep going Y/n!"

We dodged the people in front of us as much as we could, till sam hit a super uneven sidewalk and flipped before landing on the ground. Ouch...

"Sam? Y/n?" Mikaela spoke up, she was sitting on a bench with her friends,

"Uh, hey." I smile, trying to not be awkward.

"Uh wow that was, uh awesome." Mikaela struggled for the right words,

"Ugh... Yeah felt awesome too..." Sam groaned,

"Sam come on we have to go." I urged him, he nodded and got up, hoping back on his bike, and we pettled forward, trying too loose the car. At some point I looked behind me, and saw that Mikaela was following us, uh oh. This isn't gonna be good.

"Sam, Mikaela is following us!" I shouted, she was still quite a ways away, but still.

"Damnit." I heard him mutter,

We got to an abandoned parking garage, and attempted to hide from the Camaro. It seemed to work, till the sound of cop sirens was in our vicinity.

"Oh good the cops." Sam sighed in relief, but I had a bad feeling about this. The cop cars window were completely tinted. Sam approached the car as I stayed behind, as he got to the drivers door, it swung open and knocking Sam to the ground. I'm happy I stayed behind...

But something was still off, I can tell its gonna be bad. Sam groaned and got up, and tried to explain to the officer what was happening, but the car jerked forward, knocking sam to the ground. He yelped in surprise, before it did it again.

"Okay woah woah I'm sorry! Y/n stay there okay!" He yelled, I listened as I was frozen in confusion and fear, and cowered behind a old car for cover.

Then all of a sudden the fucking things front light... came out of the car and looked like some futuristic weapon. Oh fuck no its another one...
The lights reverted back into the car, then the damn thing turned into another one of he fucking robots! Oh damnit. Sam yelled a few hell no's and got up and ran, and without thinking I ran with him, revealing my position to the thing.

"Oh shit shit shit shit!" Sam yelled,

"Fuck fuck fuck shit shit, Oh fuck this fucking shit you bitch fuck." I cussed, damn this thing is fast.

Before I knew it, Sam was thrown onto a car, and I was grabbed by the thing and held tightly in its hands. Fuck that hurts...

"Are you username Ladiesman247?"The thing asked, what?

"I don't know what your talking about!" Sam yelled,

"Sam your ebay!" I remined him, the robot payed no attention to me.

"Are you username Ladiesman247!" It asked again


"Where is the ebay item 21153? Where are the glasses!"

"Dude you could've asked nicely!" I retorted without thought, luckily he didn't pay attention to me.

Sam took my random response as a sign to run, the robot kept me in its grip and ran after sam. I saw him stop Mikaela from entering the garage, she was pissed till she saw me in the things grip.

They were about to start running when the camaro came barreling down the parking lot towards us, but it knocked the robot to the ground and me out of its grip. The adrenaline made it easy to recover and I sprinted to the other two, with the camaro's door open waiting for us. Is it trying to protect us?

The three of us hopped in as fast as we could and the car took off. The other robot turned back into a car and came after us. The three of us were screaming in terror as the thing continued coming after us. The car drove into another part of the abandon parking garage and parked, locking us in and turning the lights off.

"We're locked in!" Mikaela tried to open the door.

"He's trying to hide us." I explain, I held my breath as the thing drove past, but the camaro drove past it, took a sharp turn, and ejected us out.

"Ugh..." We groan,

The Camaro then transformed into the robot we saw the other night, holy shit. The other bad guy robot thing then charged and transformed and the two started fighting, causing a bunch of sparks as they fell onto a bunch of stuff, making me look away out of instinct so I don't have a seizure at the worst time possible.

There was this small weird ass robot that started running towards the three of us, and of course we got off our asses and ran away. More explosions were heard as they continued to fight,but the tiny bitch robot was still attacking us, it latched onto sam and took his pants off, when I pulled it off him, it attached my bare legs since I wore a skirt, fucking ow! It left large gashes that started to bleed when I finally got it off of me.

Mikaela can running with a electric saw and cut its head off before it could go after Sam again.

Once we all caught our breaths we went back to where the robots were fighting, but I was lagging behind from all the damage on my legs. The other two were talking about something but I wasn't paying attention as I was trying to not cry. But I heard that the robots were aliens and that the he speaks through the radio.

Eventually we all got into the car, and it took off. Driving calmly into the night, I was about to doze off then we were kicked from the car again, and Sam was upset with Mikaela. Then next thing he was back, but a wayyyy better model camaro.

"Woah." Sam mumbled.

And woah was right.

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