9, waiting for the morning sun

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TW: suicide attempt


That's when I stepped outside the base and my room to get some air. But it didn't help. At all.

I saw something in the distance flying through the air, and quickly recognized it as the Autobots' ship. I wiped my tears away as they came, it was beautiful and heartbreaking to watch.

Bright light scattered across the sky as the ship broke into pieces, flames licking the torn metal as it fell from the air and crashed into the ocean.

It took a moment to process what happened. They're on that ship. Oh no.
A sob ripped through my chest as I pulled at my hair in agony. Why does this keep happening? Why can't we be happy.

It felt like my whole world was gone in an instant. Nothing mattered anymore. I had hope that he'd return to me one day. But now...

It all felt so hopeless, all my hopes for him were crushed, shattered into pieces. I just couldn't bear it. My knees hit the ground, the impact stinging as I curled up onto myself. My heart ached, it felt as though it might burst any second.

Tears streamed down my face freely as my body convulsed with sobs, my mind racing. It was hard to breathe, as though there was no oxygen in the atmosphere or around me. And then it happened again, this time more violent and more painful than the last. I cried out loud as a wave washed over me. My entire body ached as if I had been beaten over and over again with a baseball bat.

I screamed as I struggled to pull myself back to my feet, gasping for breath, trying desperately to catch my breath as I stumbled forward. The feeling of nothingness was too much. All I could feel was pain as I tripped over my own feet and collapsed back onto the ground.

Why do I have to live like this? This isn't how it's supposed to be! How can we continue fighting a losing battle against the Decepticons?! The only consolation I could find is the hope that he'll return to me. But I know it won't happen. He never will.

He died. Again.

Oh right, this isn't even the first time he's died. Fucking Megatron.

One question remained: Now what?

What do I do? Go back home? Keep working here? Move on? No. I couldn't.

Heh, maybe one final fly will help...

Once I retrieved Northstar, I slipped it on, and launched up into the air. At this point I just chose a direction and flew, and didn't stop. For hours I was in the air just trying to escape my emotions, but it didn't help.

Next thing I knew, it was daylight and I was in a city. It didn't take long for me to recognize it as Chicago. Jesus I travelled.

I found a tall building and took base at it. Watching as the war broke out in front of me. People were being vaporized by decepticon ships. It was hopeless. There was nothing we could do. I could do.

We're helpless.

So, without much thought I did what I never thought I'd do.

Let myself fall off a building.

"Is that- Y/N?!" I heard someone yell, my attention snapped to the group of people who called. Instinctively I flipped my body around and activated my jets. Safety landing on my feet.

Facing the group of people I quickly identified the one who called out.


"Holy shit, Sam. What are you doing here!?" I grip his shoulders, making sure he was in one piece.

"Carly. That dickhead took her!" Sam was understandably upset, But before we could continue a bigger problem arose.

One of the decepicon ships started shooting at us and the other civilians. The army guys Sam was with started shooting at it as I tried to pull Sam to safety.

"I'll be damned if you die." I pull him to the ground as it flew over us.

Something started shooting at it that wasn't us. The ship crashed to the ground,

Turning around I see Optimus Prime towering over us. My chest filled with relief, and rage.

"We will kill them all." He cocked his gun,

"Wreckers, kill it." Leadfoot started bearing up the decepticon who shot at us,

"This is going to hurt! A lot!" Roadbuster joined in on the fight, the decepticon growled in pain.

"Ah ha ha!" Roadbuster laughed as he ripped the limbs off the decepticon. Jeez...

"Your leaders will now understand. Decepticons will never leave your planet alone. And we needed them to believe we had gone. For today, in the name of freedom, we take the battle to them!"

Bee, Dino, Sideswipe, and Ratchet arrived at last.

"I saw your ship blow up!" Sam turned to Optimus, who looked down at him before roadbuster answered for him, "The ship. We were never in the ship! We designed the damn thing, didn't we?"

And Optimus finally noticed me next to Sam, he looked quite surprised but got himself back into check quickly.

"We were hidden in the first booster rocket to separate. Splashed down back in the Atlantic, just as planned. We ain't going nowhere." Leadfoot tore up the remaining pieces of the decepticon.

"Yeah, no one's exiling us." Brains hopped out of a random car him and Wheelie were hiding in.

"The Autobots are staying right here. We're gonna help you win this war." Wheelie joined Brains,

"They're surrounding the city to make a fortress, so that no one can see what they're up to inside. Our only chance is the element of surprise." Optimus explained the situation to us,

"I think I know where to look!" Sam threw his bag over his shoulder, and Bee, Epps, and a few others went with him.

The others wanted to set up a perimeter for Sam and Bee, and I hopped in with Optimus. I honestly didn't know what to say. I was obviously very upset that he lied to me, but also... awkward. Last time he saw me was I think the worst he's ever saw me.

Grief does shit.

"Are you hurt at all little one?" Optimus asked as if everything was fine...

"... I'm okay." I sigh, just wanting this day to be over at this point.

Before much else could be said, the unmistakable sound of that driller and Shockwave. Damnit!
Looking out the windows I could see the driller start to attach the surrounding area, and even knock Optimus' trailer away. Not good...

"That is one scary-ass Decepticon!" Epps panted as everyone took refuge in a church like building.

"They got my trailer. I need that flight tech. Shockwave can't hunt all of us at once. Wreckers, we need a diversion." Optimus peeked out the window carefully,

"Let's get some!" "You got that right." The wreckers seemed up for the job, they transformed and started making a mess out there.

Guess this is really happening...

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now