9, High

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I wanted to try a POV switch for this chapter, you'll see why but it'll be back to its usual next chapter!

Y/n stumbled from her room into the hanger bay with a giggle, eyes landing on the familiar semi truck. With a wide grin she approached. The drugs in her system making her act funny.

Her steps felt wobbly and Y/n was sure to trip over at any moment. Her hands reaching out to grab onto something before falling on the hard tarmac. Y/n's hands landed onto the hood of the Peterbilt 379 as she slowly slid down to the floor.

"Hi Optimus!" she hugged the grill of the truck affectionately before sliding back to face the front of his ult form. Optimus gently backed up a few feet before transforming.

"Woah..." she watched in fascination as the parts of the semi truck broke apart and re-arranged to form his bipedal form. Optimus carefully lowered himself to her level,

"Good evening, Y/n." Optimus greeted, a pure blissful smile spreading across her face at the attention of her guardian. Optimus thought her expression was absolutely adorable, but said nothing of it.

"Hello!" Y/n smiled at the bot,

"I tried to sleep, but couldn't, so now I'm here!" Y/n confessed, Optimus felt his spark fill with contentment at her honesty. She came to see me. How adorable... He thought to himself. But quickly Optimus started to question her behavior. She never acts this... child like?

If there's one thing he learned about her, it's that she is very stubborn. No matter what she told herself or him.
"Y/n," Optimus spoke softly to his charge, trying not to scare her,

"Did you get anything to eat?" He questioned, attempting to get her to slowly open up then ask why she was acting such a way, but he knew something was wrong. Y/n frowned,

"I ate some candy, but my tummy hurts." she pouted, causing Optimus to chuckle at her childish behavior.

Optimus placed a hand under her chin and tilted her head slightly upward so she would look at him.
"Y/n, don't you think you should get an actual meal?" Optimus inquired,

"Okay!" She giggled happily before running to one of the nearby kitchens in the NEST base. Optimus only had to wait about a couple minutes before Y/n came wobbling back in while eating a sandwich.

"I'm back! And I got a sandwich." Y/n stopped right at the robots pedes. "I can see that." He hummed, 

Optimus offered his servo for her to get on, and she did eagerly. Happy to finally be in contact with her guardian made her relax quite a bit, and Optimus noticed how she would always relax when in physical contact with him, and of course he used it to an advantage when Y/n would be freaking out or stressed out.

"Feeling better?" Optimus asked the small femme in his palm, who offered a smile and nod. Relieved Optimus decided to ask the question,

"Y/n, have you taken any medications?" Optimus asked softly, Y/n's eyes immediately widened and blood pressure increased.

"..." Y/n froze,

"You can tell me anything Y/n, I would never be mad at you." her grip tightened around her guardians servos and she looked away from his gaze.

"It's okay if you have..." Optimus reassured her. He knew this was probably her worst fear coming true.  
If she has taken any sort of medicine, it could have dangerous effects, and the last thing Optimus wanted was for Y/n to end up hurting herself because of them. He could've just scanned her, but he already knew what it was.

"No! I didn't." she denied, but he saw right through her lie.
"Y/n, please, I won't force you to say anything you don't want to. But you need to take care of yourself okay? You don't have to tell me, I just want to make sure you're taking the proper precautions." he assured her, Y/n remained quiet for a second.



"I'm sorry." Y/n whispered, she couldn't meet his optics, and Optimus felt bad seeing how upset she was.
"Its okay. Why did you take them again?" He questioned the trembling girl in his servo.

Y/n was still refusing to look at him.

"Y/n..." he whispered.  After a couple seconds of silence he let out a heavy sigh,

"... Can we talk about something else?" Y/n requested,

"Of course, what would you like to discuss?"

"Ooo! How tall are you?" She immediately went back to her carefree, childish behavior. He would think it were the cutest thing ever if it weren't influenced by drugs, but despite that he still thought you were adorable.

"I am 28 feet tall." He answered, Y/n's eyes widened.

"Woah... You're tall! And pretty!" Y/n admitted, Optimus was taken aback a bit at the compliment. Yet he appreciated it.

"Like you're really pretty... and lustrous, and I want you to step on me."

Optimus almost dropped the Femme in surprise, step on? What? He felt like there was some other meaning so he decided to access the internet to look up its true meaning,

"Step on me": Wanting someone you find sexy to display dominance over you. It's slang, it means that the person saying it likes the other person so much that they'd be honored if they were stepped on by them, usually has sexual undertones.

"Oh my." Was all Optimus could muster up, but he continued to rummage through his data banks in attempt to forge some sort of response.

"Y/n, do you have what humans call, a crush? On... me?" To say he was confused was an understatement.

"... U-um, Y-yeah..." Y/n blushed, turning away from him. Optimus couldn't deny that he felt a deep affection towards Y/n, but he was baffled she felt the same...

But he knew she was under the influence,

"Y/n, why don't you go to bed. It's late."

"But I don't wanna!" Y/n protested against the bot,

"Please?" he tried to get her to give in,

"I'm not tired..." she crossed her arms, Optimus thought of anything to get her to give in.

"Do you want to sleep in my ult form?" Optimus offered, she never once denied that offering. Y/n mumbled a soft okay, and he gently set her down on the floor before transforming. The passenger side door opened for her to get in. The side effects of the drugs making her weaker than usual, so she took way longer to get inside, and once she did, Y/n collapsed onto the sleeper cabins bed.

"Goodnight, Oppy..." She yawned, wrapping herself in the soft blanket. Optimus found himself softly chuckling to himself about the nickname, and decided to do it back.

"Goodnight, Sweetspark."

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now