4, The glasses

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We were taken to a empty ally, once we all got out a silver car, green and red ambulance truck, black ford truck, and a red and blue semi truck with flames came driving into the ally. Once they all came to a stop, at once they all started to transform. It was almost beautiful.

Then the fear came. But I tried to hide it. Despite my fear my jaw was dropped the whole time in true wonder.

When the biggest one finished transforming, he went on his knees and looked at us, then Sam and me.

"Are you Samuel James Witwicky and Y/n Marie Witwicky?" He asked, I was to flabbergasted to answer,

"Yeah." Sam mumbled,

"I am Optimus Prime, we are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet cybertron." He introduced himself,

"But you can call us autobots for short." another one spoke up,


"Holy shit..." I finally spoke up, they all looked at me, causing me to become insecure.

"You okay Y/n? Is something wrong?"

"What... What the fuck..." I couldn't take my eyes off Optimus, it was just so... strange that aliens need our help. He gave me a puzzled look, then one of understanding.

"What's crackin' little bitches." The silver autobot did a flip,

"My first lieutenant, designation, Jazz."

"This looks like a cool place to kick it." Jazz then did a flip and landed on a car, nice. I like that guy.

"How did you learn to talk like that?" Sam asked,

"We learned earth's languages through the world wide web." Optimus responded, then he gestured to the bot behind us.

"My weapons specialist, Ironhide." Optimus introduced him, we turned to look at him

"You feelin' lucky, punks?" Ironhide aimed his canons at us and they started whirring to life.

"Easy, Ironhide."

"Just kidding, I wanted to show them my canons." Ironhide put his canons away, I smiled at him and he gave me a nod.

We heard some sniffing from the last bot, then Optimus spoke up,

"And our medical officer, Ratchet."

"The boy's pheromone levels suggest he wants to mate with the female." I looked at Sam and Mikaela in mild horror, alright...

Ratchet sniffed the air again,

"And the other Female's vitals and physical wounds show bloodloss, and increased electrical signals in the brain, most likely from a health condition." Ratchet explained, wait what?

"Increased electrical signals?" Mikaela was confused, but me and Sam just looked at eachother.

"Oh no." We said at the same time, "I-it'll be fine, lets just see what they need and we'll go home and be okay." I tried to calm my shaking hands, Sam nodded but was still worried. Optimus looked at me for a moment before continuing.

"And you already know your guardian, Bumblebee." Optimus gestured to the yellow and black bot, and he started dancing a bit.

"Bumblebee. So you're my guardian huh?" He asked the yellow bot, who nodded.

"His vocal processors were damaged in battle, I'm still working on them." Ratchet pointed a laser at bee's throat, making him make a sound of displeasure.

"Why are you here?" I ask, looking up at optimus. 

"We are here looking for the allspark, and we must find it before Megatron." Optimus explained

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