6, O-Optimus...?

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"Ow." I bump my shoulder on the door of Ironhide's ult. Not helping that I'm in the backseat while struggling to put Northstar on, as Ironhide was speeding to catch up to Optimus who sent us a distress call.

As I clicked the last piece of the suit on the HUD popped up, revealing little details, like Optimus' distance, which we were getting close to, quickly.

"You ready?" Ironhide piped up, I gave a hum of approval.

"Good, you ready for a launch?"

"W-wha?" I was cut off with a scream as Ironhide transformed, launching me out of his ult. My stomach dropped as I flew through the air, but my instincts came in and I used the jets to get myself grounded safely.

"Woo!" I cheer, but my joy was short lived when-

"Sam..." I seen Optimus on the ground, and quickly flew over to him and Sam. He was severely damaged, wait did he-

"Run. Y/n, I'm so sorry..." He whispered, before I could question his optics went dark.

"Optimus?" I reach out and touch his head, nothing. He didn't respond. What?

"O-Optimus...?" I hold his cheek, no... He... He can't be dead... I sob, tears streaming down my face. "No... please!" I feel my arms tremble, it felt like the whole world had stopped. My chest heaved and I tried to take deep breaths. My eyes closed tight as I remembered what happened, how I couldn't save him. Oh god Optimus no... You are not dead, please don't be dead. The ground shook again, causing me to open my eyes and look up.

"Get away from her!" I hear Sideswipe yell as he charged at us, I looked up just in time to see Ironhide's fist coming towards a decepicons faceplates, and I saw them hit and send the decepticon flying.

It was only then I realised that someone else was there, someone I recognised. Someone who hurt Sam, who killed... "Megatron." I clench my teeth, rage filling my body. I pulled my blaster off my hip and started flying towards megatron, and rained hellfire...

"You killed him!" I yell, shooting him as many times as I could.

"Oh, does the insect in the metal suit have a thing for Prime? Ha!" Megatron belted in laugher as the deceptions started... retreating?

But I couldn't focus on that. Optimus... oh god no...

I apparently was just hovering there when I noticed someone approach. It was ratchet.

"Ratchet... Optimus is..." I couldn't speak.

"I know... I'm sorry, I know how much me meant to you, how much you needed him."
"I don't think I'll make it... I need Optimus." I turn to Ratchet,

"You know... he really did care about you."
"When the first test of the Northstar, when Ironhide had almost killed, after you went to recharge he scolded him for hours." Ratchet chuckled at the memory. Wow.

"I didn't think he cared that much."

"He does. He doesn't express himself much, but I can tell he cares. I dare say, adore."

"H-huh? I don't know..." I stutter,

"Yeah sure..."


"What is the meaning of this?" Sideswipe asked as gun were pointed at the bots as soon as we arrived, And of course we readied all of our weapons.

"You dare point a gun at me? You want a piece of me? I will tear you apart!" Ironhide was understandably pissed.

"What do you think your doing? Put the damn guns away!" I yell,

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Drop your weapons!" Epps yelled, trying to move them away.

"Tell them to lower their weapons!" Lennox slammed on one of the cars.

"Your NEST team is deactivated, Major. You are to cease anti-Decepticon operations and return to Diego Garcia pending further orders."

"Oh fuck off! Goddamn I swear to god go shit in your hand you fucker!" I was hysterical and ready to blow his brains out at this point. Galloway glared at me but I just flipped him off.

"No, we take our orders directly from Chairman Morshower, sir." Lennox spoke up,

"Well, I'll see your Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and I will raise you a President of the United States. I have operational command now. An alien blood feud has been brought to our shores for which our soldiers are paying the price. The secret is out! This is our war now. And we will win it as we always have, with a coordinated military strategy." Galloway explained,

"This fool is terribly misinformed." Ratchet rolled his optics,

"Exactly, this fucker has no idea what goes on here." I cut my eyes at him again.

After more fighting we were forced to go back to our nest base, at this point I'm not even complaining. But I requested to ride back with Optimus and luckily was allowed to.

Before the aircraft took off I got myself situated around Optimus' damaged chest. The warmth of his spark missing.
I didn't even bother to hold the tears back, and with a choked sob I screamed in agony. Oh god, he's gone...

I crawled up to his face and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Optimus, please wake up..." I hold onto him for dear life, staring into his lifeless optics.
"I can't do this Optimus" I sob

"I need you...please don't leave me...I need you...I miss you." I buried my face in his chest as if it would take away what was happening. And as if I could stop it. I felt the pain hit my chest with more force than before. 

I gasped out loud and held tightly on to Optimus, sobbing harder then ever. I pulled him even closer to me if possible, holding him close and tighter than ever. I cried silently, clinging to him as if my life depended on it. My chest started to hurt as I struggled to breathe and sob. It hurts...it really fucking hurts.

"Please" I begged, 

"Please come back, Optimus"The only thing that came from my mouth was quiet gasps, hiccups and occasional sob from deep within. The tears continued flowing down my cheeks, dripping from my chin. It hurt, so bad. The tears wouldn't stop, no matter how much I tried to will them away. 

All I did was hold on to Optimus. Tightly, as if he would disappear if I let go. All I did was cling to him, sobbing, begging him to come back. And finally, after hours, after crying and screaming for hours straight, all I did was cry in peace.Finally. I couldn't stand the pain anymore. I slowly pulled back from Optimus, resting my forehead against his. His frame was still warm, but now less, barely there at all.

"Thank you..." I whispered and kissed his forehead before standing up.

Megatron. I'm gonna fucking kill you.

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now