1, Act one

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L o o k. Look at the amazing art I did of our two lovelies ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I snapped back awake when the loud humming of the industrial lights turned on.
I lean back on the steering wheel when I identified the sound.



"If you're trying to sleep, then why not in a... better spot?"

"Mm...because I love you..." I yawn, smushing my face in even further into the wheel.

"That doesn't make any sense, my love." Optimus hummed,

"I'm sorry we have to hide again. And you're really hurt. I want to help you. And I don't know why you won't let me." I lifted my face up, setting my chin on the steering wheel.

"..." he was silent.

"Optimus?" I ask out,

"..." no response.

"Optimussss." I sing out a bit, then waited for something.

"..." Still nothing.

"Optimus Prime..." I hum his full name,

"..." Optimus still said nothing.

"Glocktimis Crime." I pull a random card.


"So you do speak! So why won't you let me help you?" I ask once again.

"..." more silence,

"...?" Anddddd more.

"....I'm in vehicle paralysis." Optimus admitted finally.

"Oh. Should we be worried?" I try to neutral with this shock. But I know this is bad.

"Well if we get attacked, I cannot fight back. There is a live missile in my radiator, and my T-cog is damaged." Optimus explained with a sigh. A big part of his biology, being taken away.

Maybe I can help him.

I have a few tools to at least see what's wrong, but I lost my screwdriver. And I know for a fact any abandoned place has a screwdriver.

I hop out of Optimus and start looking around.

"Y/n, what are you doing?"

"Thinking of getting head." I say without hesitation and walked away to find a screwdriver. Leaving him in stunned silence.

After a while I found a box but I can't see what's in it. So I walk over to Optimus to retrieve a flashlight.

"You want... head?" Optimus asked
I forgot I even said that-

"What-" I was caught off guard so badly I fucking fell off my ass and backwards on the floor.

"Y/n!" Optimus called after me,

"I-I'm okay! Just caught off guard." I start laughing and get back up. Optimus helping me back inside.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry I did-" I cut him off with a gentle kiss,

"I'm fine sweetie, just need a flashlight." I got up and checked my bag for it,

I ran back over to the box and looked around for a few minutes.

"...- Dad what do you mean?" SHIT

Someone's fucking here.

I looked over to Optimus' alt form. He's 30 feet away, too far they'll hear or see me. Showing the stuff in my pockets that I was holding I try to turn around and hide, but I slipped on a loose tape.

Ow!! I bit my tongue to hold the sound you make when you fall into a pile of garbage.

I get up as fast as I could and ran over to a corner. Perfect. Lots of stuff to hide behind.

"Over here! I think this one will do nicely." A little boy called his father over to a old projector camera.

"Nice find Sam, let's get it loaded on the truck and head home for dinner." The father picked up the camera and threw it over his shoulder and walked out.


I miss my brother.

After a few minutes of being sure no one was coming, I made my way over to Optimus and hopped back inside.

"I almost got seen oh my fucking god!" I laugh and sigh in relief, I turn to Optimus' holoform. He looked nervous before grabbing my forearm really hard and squeezing it.

"Ow!- What the hell Optimus!" I hiss in pain, grabbing his arm.

"What are you doing- And is your hands covered in grape juice?!" I try to fight his strong as fuck grasp.

"It's blood it's blood it's blood." Optimus repeated as I did manage to wiggle from his grip, and a squirt of blood went right on his chest.

Huh. Didn't know that was happening.

And since when was my blood purple?

"Why is it purple??!-" "I don't know!"

Optimus used both hands to clamp down on my gaping wound. The pain still hadn't set it just yet thankfully, but I knew it was coming fast.

"You need to go to a doctor." Optimus started looking nervous.

"No. I'm not going anywhere."

"...?! What?! Yes you are! You are bleeding!" Optimus was completely taken aback as he looked around, presumably to find something to use as a tourniquet.

"I've been through worse." I shrug, causing me to bleed more for some reason.

"Please, just lay back for me love." Optimus sighed in frustration,

"Fine." I huff softly, giving him a break. He smiled and got me to hold the wound while he got my first aid kit.

"Optimus it really isn't that bad."

"... You hit an artery. Notice how it's doing that squirting thing every time your heart beats? It's that. So, please, it is bad." Optimus was having NONE of my shit today. I respect that.

I just sigh and let him do his thing. The bleeding had slowed down enough to but a dressing on it.

He let out a breath that he was holding and leaned back.

I looked down at the bandage, it looked pretty good.

But there was a ton of blood on Optimus' interior.

"Sorry about all the blood, heh." I chuckle, turning to him.

"That doesn't matter. Why is it... purple?That doesn't make-" Optimus stopped mid sentence, something clicking in his head.

"The Arc." Was all he said.

Oh! When we went to the moon! I fell over in the Arc and got Energon in my body!

"Holy shit yeah! What does that... mean though? I have energon in my body." I question,

"I am unsure. But..."


"I don't know. I really don't."


Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now