5, He fucking what?

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I had a three hour nap and now Prime's gone to see Sam? That's all I got from Lennox. Of course. But... I have a bad feeling. And apparently the other autobots were going to Prime in a couple hours, about the time he just gets there we'll be on our way. Yeah, Our. I'm going with and they can't stop me. Worst case scenario I'll sneak in with Ironhide, he won't care.

So, with my spare time, I put on Northstar. This is only like my fourth time putting it on, but it's still magical. We were able to finish it's most basic functions. Scanning, flying, strength, durability, detection, and a few more. I don't have all the weapons yet though. Only a basic blaster. And it's all powered by a small piece of energon in the chest. And it's so powerful that it'll last years. God I'm so excited!


After messing with Northstar in the battle room with Ironhide and and human guns cause Northstar's aren't done yet, I felt ready to take it in battle. So when Ironhide was about to leave to head to the jets to head to Prime's location, I stopped him.

"Hey Ironhide, do you think you can sneak me and Northstar with you guys?" I ask the bot, he hesitates for a moment.

"Fine, but if you get hurt I'm not dealing with Prime's bitchin'. Don't tell him I said that." The backseat door opened, and I placed the suit on the seats and buckled it in place before Hoping in the passenger side. Luckily Ironhide's windows are tinted. So I just can sit and wait for us to arrive. And as one does, when you're alone with your own thoughts you wander.

I found myself thinking back to when I first met Optimus. That whole thing was a trainwreck but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Then I thought back to Sector 7 and it getting shut down. Huh, wonder how Bitch lord is doing now. And of course an unwanted memory came to my attention. Right after the fight in Mission city and we were all on that hill once we got away from everything...

"Y/n, I need to ask you something." Sam approached once Optimus was done telling the other autobots to come to earth as we sat on the hill.

"Sure what's up?" I peer down, Sam's face was worried. Uh oh.

"What was Simmon's talking about?"

"What? You gotta be more specific."

"When he said the Rapist was getting out of jail, and you said something about someone named Eleanor?" I knew this day was coming...

"I..." "Y/n... what happened?"

"Uh- Well you remember... Eleanor right? Me and her were friends when I was 16 and she was 18."

"Oh yeah, I remember her."

"W-well around her birthday she invited me over for the night." I could feel my stomach turn at the memories. Oh god...

"And I was... I- I was... Fuck." I paused, taking a breath. At least this is easier then explaining it to the police because I'm with people I trust.

"I was raped by corrasion."

Sam looked shocked but he stayed silent.

"We were in high school and well, one thing led to another. She wanted us to get together and I wasn't into her... She told me that if I didn't go along with what she was asking, then it would happen again and I just let myself get swept along... Then I finally caved and told mom after the third time it happened."   I could feel tears falling from my eyes as Sam just stared at me.

"She... she told me not to tell anyone or she'd kill  herself." It hurt so bad thinking about how horrible and manipulative that person was. It made me sick to think that I ever thought of her as a friend.

"T-then about three days before the court date, I almost... I- I almost killed my-myself." My breathing had picked up and I was starting to hyperventilate. Why did all of these things have to happen to me?

"You what?!" I look to see Sam staring at me wide eyed.
The look in his eye was like an open book and I couldn't even bring myself to look away. His face looked horrified at how much pain I was going through while also being confused.

"Why wasn't I told?"   "I didn't want you to treat me differently..."  Sam was silent.

"I'll be okay. You need to process it, go hang out with your girlfriend." I wipe my tears away,

"You sure?"

"Yeah," And with a nod Sam turned back around and walked back to Mikaela. With a contend sigh I turn back to the sunset, but was distracted by Optimus looking right at me with a very unreadable expression. Oh I forgot he was there...

"Are you okay?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"It's nothing really" I try to sound casual and he only gives me a stern glare and I know I'm failing badly. Damn.

"It is understandable to not wish to talk about, but if you want to I am here." Optimus offered,

"... Does it happen in your species?" I ask without thinking, but he answers anyway.

"Yes. Fortunately it isn't very often."

"That's good... Sadly it's way to often here. 81%..." I sigh. The bot turns his head to me,

"... I am sorry."

"Don't be, not much can be done..." I look towards the sunset. And we sat in calm silence in each others presence.

"Y/n, we're here." Ironhide piped up, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Alright. Let's do this."

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now