4, Energon

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So, we flew back even faster than last time, and because of that today marks the day I threw up on three people. First was Ratchet who I hit by trying to not vomit on Optimus. Yeah the medic was quite grossed out. Next was one of the armed guards, at least he thought it was funny. And last was Lennox, who almost threw up too.

After that I was shoved into a bathroom to clean up, and everyone that was unlucky also got cleaned up. I remove Northstar, and give it a good wipe down. Standing up I lift up my shirt and check my back from when I fell on the Arc's scrap metal.

"Oh fuck." I gasp, not only was it way more then a bruise. Red and blue gashes scattered across my back, and the blood, oh god it was red and blue. Why the fuck is it blue?!



Grabbing my suit I flip it on its stomach, fucking puncture marks. I Sentinal was still getting set up, and I spotted Optimus.

Walking over to him I tap his ankle to get his attention.

"Hello Y/n, Do you need anything?" Optimus leaned down to me, offering to pick me up.

"Um, I have a problem..." I climb on his waiting servo,

"Are you alright?"

"Probably not... So, when we were in the Arc and I fell, the metal cut me, badly." I keep quiet so the others don't hear,

"May I see?" Optimus requested, I look away. I don't mind showing him, it's the others...

"If we can get away from the others."

Optimus nodded, and told Lennox he had something to take care of and he'll be back soon. And with that he took me outside into the cool evening. 

"Alight Little one, how bad is it?" Optimus looked at me softly.

"..." I take a breath and pull my shirt off and hold it tightly in stress,

"Heh, you were right. It wasn't the last time you'd see me in a bra..." I chuckle, 

"Is it okay If i take my suit off?" I asked, wanting his consent. The stickiness of my sweat, and the pain of my wounds becoming close to unbearable.

"Of course, why would it be an issue?"

"I don't know... I'm not used to being around you in just my bra and underwear, and I didn't want you to be uncomfortable." I nervously laugh,
"It would not have been the first time," He reminds me, causing me to go silent and blushing. Optimus chuckles,

"I'm sure it won't be the last either, little one." He teased, making my cheeks flush even more red.

I smirk softly at the memory from a few months ago. Optimus seemed to remember what I was talking about too when he nodded.

Sighing I turn around to let him see my bloody back, he was silent.

"... Its... Energon." Optimus confirmed my fears, 

"Oh god Optimus, what do I do?" I plead, falling to my knees. Worry flooding my body.

"We will figure this out. We will go to Ratchet tonight and figure out a plan." Optimus offered, 

Nodding I put my shirt back on and we make our way back inside the Hanger.

"Who gave me clearance? How about Optimus Prime, when he touched down in suburbia looking for my house? And Colonel Y/n Witwicky? My sister who works with the Autobots?" I heard Sam's attitude,

"Sam what did you do this time?" I ask, Optimus also looking at my brother.

"Oh thank god your here." He sighed,

"I'm always here." I deadpan, Optimus set me on the catwalk with Sam probably for safety. And approached Sentinel while removing the matrix from his chest.

"Sentinel Prime, we bid you return." Optimus placed the Matrix in Sentinel's spark chamber, bringing him to life. He growled something in cybertronian before attacking  Optimus.

"Oh shit." I mumbled, covering my mouth.

"Stop! Sentinel! It is I- Optimus- Prime! It is all right. You are safe." Optimus tried to  hold him back as he attacked out of fear.

"There is nothing to fear."Ratchet spoke softly, approaching the Prime.

"We are here. You are home, Sentinel." 

"The war... the war!" Sentinel stood up, looking around at the new surroundings.

"The war was lost. Cybertron is now but a barren wasteland. We have taken refuge here, on planet Earth. Its human race is our ally. We have made... family here." Optimus stood up next to Sentinel, glancing at me when he said family, making my stomach flutter.

"My ship! We came under fire. The pillars. Where are the pillars?" Sentinel asked Optimus desperately.

"You saved five of them, including the control pillar."

"Only five? We once had hundreds!" Sentinel was upset,

"Excuse me, gentlemen. May I ask... what is this technology you're looking for?" Mearing cut in, probably at the worst time like always...

"It is the ability to reshape the universe. Together the pillars form a Space Bridge. I designed, and I alone, can control it. It defies your laws of physics to transport matter through time and space."

"You're talking about a teleportation device, aren't you?" Mearing was gonna say something offensive, or have a bitchy tone I know it.

"Yes, for resources, for refugees." Optimus answered,

"Refugees, or troops of soldiers, weapons, maybe bombs! A means of an instant strike! That's its military function, isn't it?"

"It is our technology and it must be returned." Sentinel looked like he was ready to throw her out of the stratosphere.

"Yes. If humans say so! You can't just bring weapons of mass destruction into our atmosphere! kind of have to clear customs first. A little formality called paperwork, kind of separates us from the animals." Boom! There's the bitchy tone.

"Mearing, you can't talk like that to him, he deserves respect." I side eye her,

"Sentinel, this is my charge. Y/n Witwicky." Optimus gestures to me and offers his servo for me to climb onto, which I do of course.

"Greetings Miss Y/n, I assume Optimus has been treating you well?" Sentinel raised a brow to him life long friend in a teasing way.

"It's an honor to meet you Sentinel Prime. And he has, Optimus is the kindest mech I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." I put on my attitude of talking to someone way more superior than me in hopes that he wouldn't hate me, though he has no reason to. And it seemed to work as he smiled at me.

"She is a keeper, Optimus. Do take care of her."

"Of course."

"You two, with me. Now." Mearing pointed to Sam and Carly, who both reluctantly followed.

"Ratchet is ready for you Y/n." Optimus whispered to me,

"You're not coming with?" i turn to face him,

"Do you want me to?"


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