6, Interrupted

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Okay quick note here first, my apologies for uh, dying lol. But re-reading the story I've noticed a lot of stuff I've written in the story but have slowly fizzed out. Like I honestly forgot that y/n has separation anxiety with Sam and her family for example. And that could be seen as her just getting over it over time but it makes me feel like I'm a bad writer 😭. But I digress, there is going to be some subtle changes to the general plot.

Like I've noticed how horrifically OOC Optimus is to the point it's painful lol. I'm writing his character based off of Transformers: Prime Optimus because it's my favourite version of him, the right mix of gentle but firm. And that being said in Age of Extinction he becomes very... war criminally. I plan on changing that a bit.

His change of character may be weird to get used to, or maybe it won't be. He's still going to be all sweet and kind to Y/n but just, better.
And I don't really like how Y/n is written here either so I'm going to change her character a bit too. Not a whole lot though.

Now I would like some help while writing this, if you notice any plot points that I may have missed, like something I wrote about and hinted at it being explained, or something explained poorly, if you could let me know I'd be over the moon.

I miss this story and want the best for it, and I hope you do too

Anyway to the story!

{Ps some in movie dialogue may be wrong}

Y/n pov

Everything was fairly calm this morning. Just me and Cade, and of course with the assistance of Lucas, have been repairing Optimus. And if there's any spare time I've been tweaking with Northstar. Cade lost his mind when he saw that, asked how I made it and a bunch of other questions. 

It was a really good day, till-

"Dad!" I heard Tessa yell, and my stomach dropped to the floor. Somethings wrong, has to be. She sounds... scared?

Lucas peaked his head out of the barn to take a look at what was going on, the look on his face said it all.

Optimus wasted no time in grabbing me and carefully stepping into the designated hiding spot he set up incase it was needed. Cade and Lucas dragged the flooring back on top of us before rushing out of the barn.

I looked up at Optimus worryingly. He met my gaze, smiling. "Do not worry, little one. Cade has this under control." the endearing term he used do many times still helped ease the weight that had settled in my chest.

"Mr. Yeager, my name's James Savoy. I'm a federal agent. My men and I are trying to track down an abandoned truck. It's a nice spread you got here. Too bad she's for sale."

"Well, thanks. She's not. That the truck you mean?" Cade inquires, his tone is carefully even.

The distant voices became too quiet for me to make out what they were saying, I was temped to ask Optimus what they were saying. But now's not the time to be asking questions.

"The kind that cost American lives. Search the property!" The James man spat out an order.

Anxiety and unease washed up on me as the sound of the barn doors opening had disturbed the eerie silence of the barn. Rushed footsteps entered with the men that Savoy had ordered.

"Clear!" One man shouted, his voice raspy and rough. More call outs were said as more and more of the barn was explored. Till one man shined a flashlight down to through the tarp and wood scraps that were set on top of us.

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now