7, Missed shots

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Hello everyone!! if you notice that some random chapters are being randomly updated its because I'm slowly going through and fixing some inconsistencies etc, don't fret nothing is plot changing, if it is ill let you know haha. When I do finish this book I wanna re-write the first 2 "books" aka the first and second movie, the quality isn't up to my standards and doesn't make much sense a lot of the time, but I'm not worried about that right now haha.


"Y/n! Fall back, now!" 

I ignored Optimus, completely. No way in hell was I gonna let these people die. 

There was a moment of silence, the air was still the moment Savory layed eyes on me. I could feel his stare pierce through the suit. Did he know about Northstar? Was it in my nest records? Did they have access to that?

The moment he started to open his mouth to yell at his guys to start firing, I reacted with a surge of adrenaline. My fingers tightened around the grip of my pulse rifle, the weight of it reassuring in my hands. I knew I had to act quickly, to protect Cade and his family from the these fuckers. But doubt clawed at the edges of my mind like a relentless predator. Weeks of not properly practicing had taken a toll on my aim. 

Taking a safer route I decided to aim for the vehicles, no where near Cade, Tessa, or Lucas. 

"They're going to kill you! Get out of here!" Optimus finally joined me in the fight as he burst through the barn, guns blazing. A sight I'm sad I can't watch, he's so... precise, powerful, and even graceful at times. 

Pulling myself from my day dreams I resumed picking off the vehicles, and notice off the corner of my eye that more were approaching, great. 

"Optimus, more are on their way!" I yell through the gunfire, 

Aiming down sight while flying was hard enough on its own, but avoiding gunshots was a whole other story. The wind roared in my ears as I soared through the sky, my eyes were locked on the target below, my gaze unyielding and determined.

And I missed. 

Well that was anticlimactic.

With an annoyed groan I charge up my shot again, taking a deep breath to steady my shot, just like Lennox taught me, and pulled the trigger. The car I was aimed at blew up in a beautiful inferno. A perfect shot, I grinned to myself.

Shots coming from the distance drew my attention to what looked like... a Cybertronian? They were too far to really make out, but one thing was for sure, that motherfucker is hostile. Pretty easy to tell with missiles flying towards us. Shit. SHIT-

"Optimus! Get down!"

It was like fireworks. Fire and smoke ingulfed the yard in mere seconds. I could feel the heat through the suit.

Flying upwards I try to get an assessment of the situation as fast as I could. Come on... where are you... Shit.

"Thank god." Cade, Tessa, and Lucas were thankfully running away and not caught in the explosions. 

Flames licked their way up the side of their beautiful pristine home in milliseconds. The second floor almost non existent from the booming explosion's that the mystery Transformer rained down. 

I covered my mouth in horror. "Oh my god." gazing into the depths of the burning family home, a sense of unease settled within me. How far were they willing to go to get to us?

"Y/n, get out of here!" I could hear Optimus shout over the gunfire, no way in hell was I gonna leave him.

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