7, Bee! Sam! Mikaela!

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"Sam, I have a record because I didn't turn my dad in," She explained, Sam finally seemed to understand. In an attempt to distract myself from what Bitch Lord brought up I started paying attention to the bots.

Optimus noticed me, looking down to me he spoke,

"Hello Y/n, are you doing better?" He asked, coming down to my level, and offering his hand again, I gladly hopped on.

"Yeah, I still have a bit of a headache but I should be okay." I stated, giving him a small smile, hoping it would make him feel better. He gave a kind nod,

"What is sector 7?" Sam asked, pausing then speaking again  "Answer me."

"I'm the one that asks questions, not you young man!" Bitch shouts in his face, ugh.

"How did you know about the aliens?" Mikaela asked, getting in his face. Then I decided to pipe in,

"How did you know about Eleanor? How did you know what happened!" I shouted from whatever height Optimus was holding me at, But I want answers. I could feel eyes on me but I didn't care.

"And where did you take our parents" Sam asked, oh yeah forgot about them...

"I am not at liberty to discuss that." He made an excuse, of course. Sam reached into his jacket and pulled out his badge.

"Do whatever you want and get away with it badge."

"Oh with his big alien friends around now he's all confident." Bitch lord rolls his eyes, god he's so fucking annoying...

"Where is sector 7?" Sam looks back up to the man that kidnapped our family.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"No shit why did he ask..." I mumbled, Optimus glanced at me before looking back at the conversation below.

The sound of some lid popping echoed across the bridge as there was Bee who was... Peeing on him? I mean, yeah he deserves it, but why?

"Aruggggg!" He groaned, ha serves you right Bitch!

"Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man." Optimus scolded, I held in a chuckle as Bee stopped.

"I mean, he deserved it." I smirk at Optimus, who raised a brow with a look of mild confusion. Looking back down Mikaela and Sam were handcuffing all the men together, and told bitch lord to make his clothes off. Deciding that I didn't need that image in my head for the rest of my life, I decided to look away and at all the bots. Such strange creatures...

Not even twenty seconds later-

"Optimus, Incoming!" Ironhide shouted, using some weapon on the ground causing the trucks that were making their way over to skid.

"Roll out!" Optimus ordered the others. Since I was still on his hand, I was confused of what to do next but he brought me up to his shoulder.

"Hold on Y/n." Optimus warned,

"Alright." I got myself snug between a few pieces of armor and held on.

He bent down and grabbed Sam and Mikaela, and put them on the same shoulder. I helped them get secure before Optimus started running from the helicopters. He started running through incoming traffic and narrowly avoided stepping on a lot of people.Optimus took a sudden sharp turn, loosing the helicopters. So as fast as he could he ran to a bridge and climbed the horizontal pillars from the bottom, and held himself onto it, hiding all of us.

"Easy you three." Optimus whispered, glancing at us. I shifted myself to make sure I didn't fall. Sadly the other two weren't so lucky...

I grabbed my bag that was slung over Sam's shoulder but he still slipped out of it, causing me to only hold my bag.

"Sam! Mikaela!" I shout as I try but fail to grab them.

"Hold on!" Optimus tried to catch them on his foot but they just bounced off with a horrid sound. As they almost hit the ground Bee came to the rescue and caught the two, and placing them down gently. As soon as Bee stood back up he started getting shot with harpoons and blasted with coolant. Horror and fear filled my chest as I knew I could do nothing, oh my god. It got worse when they started to take Sam and Mikaela.

"Nononononono..." I had to cover my eyes from the scene. What are they gonna do? Oh god Sam... Mikaela... I'm so sorry. I heard the bots talking to each other about something but I drowned it with my soft, quiet sobs so no one would hear me.

"We need to get to safety." Optimus urged as everyone transformed and started heading somewhere safe. Optimus placed his palm infront of where I was curled up on his shoulder but I didn't notice in my distress. So he carefully grabbed me by my waist from his shoulder and inspected my form.

I look pathetic... I thought to myself. Bandages with blood seeping through, my f/c sweatshirt ruined with dirt and blood, my black tank top showing through the holes on the side of my sweatshirt, white pleated tennis skirt covered in dirt and a bit of blood, my hair just a disaster, my shoes now brown with dust, and my facial expression of one of a child that just got told their dog died, with sniffles and hiccups to top it all off. And this horrid sight was displayed in front of Optimus prime himself.

"... *hicc*..." I tried to stop the sadness and intense worry from flooding my mind but it wasn't working. My breathing just became more erratic.

"Y/n, calm down. Take a deep breath and tell me whats wrong." Optimus held me gently, but I still couldn't form a sentence.

Of course, a panic attack in front of prime...

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