17, Cemetery Wind

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Sorry this took so long! I decided to put this as a two parter till I finish the rest of the chapter.
There's a heatwave where I live and my laptop gets really hot. So yeah lol. Once the second part is done I'll connect the two and such. Heatwave will be done in a couple days!! I can write more then.

In the meantime while I'm writing each chapter I post in my transformers oneshot book on my account, check it out if you want!!

It's been about two weeks since we arrived, and I was started to get better with the support of Optimus.

Everything started to be perfect.

Until Optimus woke me up early in the morning and panicking. 

"Y-y/n! Wake up! Wake up!" Optimus shook me violently, opening my eyes I see him look fearful. Yet too groggy to understand why.

"What..." I yawn, not able to comprehend his worry.

"They know where we are!" And within a second I was wide awake. What? Who??

"Who knows where we are?" I question, sitting up with Optimus sitting on my lap.

"Cemetery wind. It's some military unit? I don't know but they know where we are. They want us to rendezvous to Mexico City." Optimus sounded desperate and really worried, as I am.

"Shit, do we go right now?"

"I-I don't know! I don't know what to do!" Optimus was freaking the fuck out. I take his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me.

"Okay, we're gonna figure this out, we always do okay?" I hold the trembling bot in my hands.

"I... okay. Let's get ready to leave." I managed to convince him,

Unfortunately not myself though.


Day three on the road once again. I felt like loosing my mind but I kept it to myself, Optimus was way more stressed then me unfortunately. Practically silent, trying to not loose his shit I guess.

"... Love?" I spoke up after multiple hours of silence.

"Yes Y/n?" Optimus responded.

"Are you okay? I know you're incredibly stressed out, is there anything I can do to help you?" I ask softly to him,

"...I don't know..." he mumbled sadly, it broke my heart.

"How about we park for the night? You need and deserve rest." I suggested, and he hesitated.

"I don't think I will be able to fall into stasis." Optimus admitted as he pulled into an empty parking lot.

"I think I can help with that." I hummed and unbuckled myself, standing up and sitting down on the sleeper cabin bed.

After a moment Optimus' holoform appeared next to me. His exhaustion showed through his holoform. I pulled him into a hug and layer down on my back, him laying on my chest.

Optimus relaxed as I ran my fingers through his hair, but he still didn't look ready to fall asleep.

So I started softly singing to hopefully relax him more as I played with his hair and rubbing his back.

Optimus glanced up at me in surprise when I started singing, but quickly smiled and rested his head back on me. When I was humming a part of the song, he lifted his head and kissed me passionately, caressing my cheek. He basically held my head in place and continued to kiss me so desperately.

Desperate for love, comfort.

Of course I kissed back, how could I not? I love him so fucking much it hurts.

Our makeout session slowed down and eventually stopped as I continued singing to lull him to sleep. And after 15 minutes, it worked. So I fall asleep with my Optimus prime in my arms.


Fortunately that was our nightly routine to get the extremely stressed prime to sleep. He would be almost excited to go to bed, it was adorable.

But all good things come to an end as we arrived at Mexico City. As we got closer to the coordinates that this cemetery wind provided, I got more anxious by the second.

We finally pulled into this abandoned place, it looked like an abandoned construction sight or something like that.

Next I spotted the group of humans. Most were in military uniform, except for two. One man had glasses and a black suit, white hair and beard.

The next man looked like he was going to a matrix convention. Sunglasses, black trench coat, absolute nerd but like not in a good way.

Optimus stopped about 20 feet in front of the men. But hesitated to transform.

"Optimus Prime, a pleasure to meet you." The man in the suit spoke up, only once being addressed did Optimus transform, but kept me hidden in his hand.

"We know that you are accompanied by a former NEST member. Y/n Witwicky." He smirked but tried to hide it.

Optimus hesitated even more, he was stiff and unmoving. Only when I tapped his palm did he wearily reveal me to Cemetery wind.

"Who are you?" I asked,

"I am Harold Attenger, founder of Cemetery wind." He replied politely before looking between Optimus and I.
"Why have you requested our presence?" Optimus questioned in response.

"Y/n Witwicky is considered a missing person in a terrorist attack." Mr. Attinger stepped forward a bit.

"What? What terrorist attack?"

"The alien invasion."

For fucks sake. I had to suppress rolling my eyes.

"The autobots saved us, why can't you see that! Yes they aren't human, but who gives a shit? Would you rather be forced to rebuild cybertron as a slave? Because that was our fate not that long ago. And you know who saved us? Him. Optimus prevented Sentinel's rein of an entire planet. And all you have done is complain. They have lost so much. More then we could even comprehend. So just leave the Autobots alone." I had to fight back tears of frustration during my speach,

They didn't give a shit about anything I said.

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