2, The symbols

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I clapped excitedly to myself as I saw Optimus in the near distance with the other Autobots. I not so shaluntly ran over to the hanger where they stay, and where I stay most of the time. Once I got inside I was Lennox and his men on a catwalk and a camera. Knowing I have clearance i walk up to prime and gently pat him as a hello.

Lennox was talking to whoever, I don't know I wasn't listening. Instead I was staring at Optimus. I don't understand how a semi truck can be so beautiful. A moment later the truck started to intricately transform, the sounds of pistons whirring, and the soft creaking of his metal armour. All to create the titan standing next to me. Before he fully stood up Optimus set his servo down for me to get on. I did so and once he was at his full 26 feet height, set me on his shoulder casually.

"General, our alliance has countermatted six decepticon incursions this year. Each on a different continent, they're clearly searching for something." Optimus suggested, he has a point. I was only there for four out of the six.

"But last nights encounter came with a warning," Optimus then played the warning that he was telling me about.

"The fallen shall rise again." It said in a distorted voice, the general then spoke.

"The fallen, meaning what?"

"Origin unknown." Optimus sighed, "The only recorded history of our race was contained within the Allspark, lost with its destruction." Just him talking about that damn cube made me thing about the symbols again...

"Excuse me!" Someone interrupted, god damnit. Optimus turned so fast I almost fell, our eyes landed on some glasses fucker.

"Of this so called "Allspark" now destroyed, why hasn't the enemy left the planet, like you thought they would?" He asked, walking up the ladder to the catwalk.

Lennox looked to the camera before telling that this fucker was director Galloway.

"Forgive the interruption general," Galloway spoke as he weaved through people,

"I don't like this guy, i have a bad feeling..." I whisper to Optimus, who gave me a look of understanding.

"Now under the classified alien autobot cooperation act, you agreed to share your intel with us, but not your advancements in technology." Except me cause... they trust me? I'm not sure but I'm grateful.

"We've witnessed your human capacity for war. It would do more harm than good." Optimus pointed to the guy,

"But who are you to say what's best for us?"

"With a do respect, we've been fighting side by side in the field for two years." Lennox hopped in the conversation.

"We've shed blood, sweat, and precious metal together. I think we know better than you." I glare at galloway. He looked up at me,

"Alright little girl, what are you even doing here? Are you a visitor?"

I scoff, "Do not call me little girl. I am Colonal Y/n, I have more here clearance then you." I cut my eyes at him, he stands there stunned. He mostly didn't know cause I'm not wearing my uniform. I rarely do, to hard to move in. I'll stick to (Preferred outfit).

"Now what do we know so far; we know that the enemy leader, NBE1, aka Megatron, is rusting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss, surrounded by SOSUS detection nets and a full-time submarine surveillance. We also know that the only remaining piece of your alien Allspark is locked in an electromagnetic vault here on one of the most secure naval bases in the world."

"And since no one can seem to tell me what the enemy is now after. Well, there's only one clear conclusion! You! The Autobots! They're here to hunt you! What's there to hunt for on Earth besides that? The Fallen shall rise again? It sounds to me like something's coming. So. Let me ask, if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served by denying you further asylum on our planet, will you leave? Peacefully?" My stomach dropped, they can't leave! They can't...

"Freedom is your right. If you make that request, we will honor it. But... before your President decides, please ask him this: What if we leave... and you're wrong?" Optimus leans in to ask him, they can't leave... Nonono they can't!

Shortly after Optimus asked the big question, the meeting ended and Galloway finally left. Same with some of the autobots and the soldiers for training. Leaving me, Optimus, Ironhide, and Ratchet.

Ironhide and Ratchet started having their usual conversation, complaining. And Prime was sitting against the wall, glancing between the other two bots as I started cleaning up the car oil, dezil, ect, that the twins had knocked over earlier.

I caught myself staring at the bottle of car oil in my hand, the symbols started popping up again, but they wouldn't stop. And it came with whispers in cybertronian, urging me to write them down. To get them into the world and out of my damn head.

So without my control I opened the bottle and dipped my index and middle finger in the oil, walked to the centre of the huge room, and started writing.


G̷̞̺̞̦̖̻͗̍̔̈̀͝ĕ̴͚̰̪̳̈͗̔͜͝t̶͈̖͖͎͖͖́̈́͆ ̸͕̏̅̒̎́̚̚o̸̬̹͒̑u̸̩̣̻͔̐t̶̢̬̐̆̇̈́ ̶̧̧̘̹̘̦̍̀̏̌̿o̴̢̞̯̻͙̼̓̇̅̚̚͜f̶͙͇̱̠̘̝̌̒͛̅̚͠͝ ̷̟̀̐̒̅̈́͌͂͑m̵̛̠̳̋̌̆̈́̽̕͘͜ÿ̸͚̹̮ ̷͚͎̲͖̱̏̆̆̒́̃̒͠h̸̲̹̼̺̹̪̓͆̌́͜ͅe̶̢̛͚͉͓̗͂͜ͅȃ̸̘̓͐͜ď̷͍̥͐ͅ!


K̶͚͌́́i̵̱̓́̓̇̃l̸̖̟͈̍̅̍̕l̴̩̩͚̥̿̾͠ ̷͍͖̲̦̓̌̌̏ͅm̶̨̧͚̠̤̜͎̫͑͊̎̔e̵̠̹̭̜̐̃̃̑͂͝


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