2, I hate parties...

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I hear a light knock at my bedroom door, getting up I carefully open the door to reveal Sam.

"Hey Sam. Whats up?" I ask him

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to the lake party, so now you know where i'm going." Sam smiles.

"How long will you be gone?" I ask, paranoid.

"Uh, I don't know?" He shrugs, "You can come if you want." Sam suggests, nodding I tell him that ill be down in a sec. Once he's gone i go to my dresser and pull out ripped jeans and a floral blouse/tank top. Once i grab my phone and purse with my wallet and three different medications i go downstairs and meet Sam. Its not like I really need all of this, but I get anxious if I don't have it near me.

"Ready (y/n)?" Sam asks, nodding we make our way outside where our parents are.

"Sam..." Dad groans,

"what?" Sam asks, oh he's on the grass. Dude there's a path for a reason.

"I don't like footprints on my grass." He crosses his arms.

"What foot..." Sam looks behind him. "There's no footprints..." He's right, no footprints. But to not get yelled at I walk on the path to Sam's car.

"See Sam? Your sister respects the path." Dad comments. But Sam just rolled his eyes and Pretended to not hear him, getting into the drivers seat and starting the car. Once I reach the passenger side I hop in and turn on the radio. Lady gaga starts playing, no surprise.

"We're going to pick up Miles on the way just to let you know."

"Ugh not that guy. He always hits on me and its creepy." I groan, Sam sighs.

"If he does it again I'll tell him to knock it off." Sam compromises as we pull up at his house, Miles already on the porch waiting. Once he notices us he immediately walks towards the car. As soon as his gaze landed on me he attempted to walk "cooler", but just ended up stumbling.

"Oh my god you've got to be kidding me..." I sigh, resting my head in my hands, Sam laughs at my misery.

"Hey sam, Hey Y/n~" Ugh.

"Miles, shut the fuck up before I invert your ribcage." I glare through the rear view mirror. Miles looked confused then just sat back in his seat. Finally.


To be honest the rest of the party, if you can even call it that, was just a cringe blur. Sam tried and failed at impressing Mikaela, and after that I just zoned out and pretend I wasn't there. But he did offer to drive her home which was nice of him. I just put my music in so I could give them some privacy. But I ended up falling asleep, but being disturbed my Sam when he shook me awake.

"Ugh... what?" I groan, rubbing my eyes.
"We're home, I brought Mikaela home. And you should go to bed." Sam yawned, and gave me space to get up. I groggily got up and followed him into the house and we go our separate ways to bed.

"Nonononono!" I was woken up by Sam running in the hall. What the fuck?
Quickly putting some shorts on I run after him, following him outside he grabbed moms bike.

"Sam what the hell?"

"My cars getting stolen, come on!" He yelled, quickly I hop on the bike with him and we started pursuing the car.

"Hello? 911 I my car is getting stolen! Me and my sister are on pursuit!" Sam explained,
"I need everyone! The whole squad!" Sam continued yelling at the officers. That's a little much don't you think?

"Nonono don't ask me questions! My dad is head of the neighbourhood watch!" Sam are you serious? Jesus...

We kept following the car till it went to this dump. Me and Sam ditched the bike and went after it. As soon as it came into view it stood up. What the fuck...? What the fuck?! As I was baffled by the sight Sam was saying something to the phone.

Next the robot shined some sort of beacon into the sky.
Without saying anything Sam grabbed my arm and we slowly walked out into the open, till I heard growling.

"Uh, Sam..." I pointed to the dogs and before he could say anything they started sprinting towards us, immediately we started running away. Wasn't helping that I'm not wearing shoes.

We ran into a old building thing and the car caught up to us.
"I'm sorry you can have the car! Take the keys!" Sam yelled and threw the keys before running away. Quickly I joined him and we were stopped by the police.

"Oh thank god." I huff, out of breath.

"Put your hands in the air!" The cops yelled,
"No you don't get it the guys inside!" I explained,

"Hands in the air and head in the car!" They yelled, me and Sam looked at eachother and decided to comply.

This is gonna suck.

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