14, Slushi

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Ah sorry for taking so long to write this one!! A lil angst is good once in awhile 😈😈

I slowly gain conciseness over the span of a couple minutes, I stretch out with a yawn. But I could tell I wasn't asleep long.

A soft hand was rubbing circles into my back, lifting my head I made eye contact with what I now remember as Optimus' holoform.

"Hello love." Optimus greeted me with a kiss,
"Hi..." I mumble and bury my head into his chest, still tired. I adjusted myself into a better position when Optimus felt off... wait a second.
Oh yeah, I'm naked.

Forgot about that part.

"Are you feeling okay?" Optimus cupped my face in his hands, I let out a hum and tried to hide my blush. Luckily he didn't say anything about it.

"That's good." Optimus held me close,

Sitting up a bit, and holding the blanket over my chest. I reach over and grab my bag, and pulled out my water bottle.

As I drank some of the water I noticed something.

"Optimus... were you... driving? Even while you were..." I trail off, slowly turning around to face him.

"Yes, I would've been massed displaced but, we're... preoccupied at the moment." He held a smile back.


Its been peacefully quiet in Optimus' interior, which would be nice if I hadn't been cooped up in here for over 12 hours.

"Optimus." I state his name, breaking the silence.

"If I don't get out of here soon I'm gonna have a meltdown." I whispered in frustration. I really felt like crying at this point.

He hummed in thought before responding,
"There's a store a couple minutes away," Optimus informed me, relief washed over me. Thank the stars.

As soon as he pulled into the store parking lot I hopped out of his cabin.

The morning air was crisp and cool, it was amazing. After stretching I head inside the store, there was a teen sitting across the counter that was literally sleeping. With a soft smile I walk to the back of the store quietly to not wake him.

My eyes landed where the slushi machine resided. Yes! 

I ignored as the store seemed oddly quiet, though it seemed okay for the most part.

When I felt arms snake around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder, I smiled. Optimus followed me in, how cute.

"Hey babe."


That's not Optimus.

I froze. Completely paralyzed. Oh my god. I felt her hold me tighter to the point it hurt.

"Let go of me Eleanor." I managed to speak over my fear, gripping the counter.

She just squeezed harder, her nails digging into my sides as she pinched and squeezed.

"Y-your hurting me-!" I gasp but she just grips harder to keep me in place.

"That's all you have to say, Y/n?" She cooed, rocking us back and forth. All my self defence, and military training knowledge was non existent to me. Everything I trained to do... I could remember any of it. All common thought went out the window.

"How did you find me?" I swallowed hard, trying to stay calm, obviously not working well.

"Well I got out of jail six months ago, and I live nearby with my cousin." She answered like it was the most normal thing ever. What the fuck.
My heart was racing so fast I thought I was going to pass out, but the adrenaline is keeping me upright.

And the fact my rapist is holding me up too.

Eleanor loosens her grip from around me, her hands moving down to cup my ass. I wince at the sudden pain. I couldn't think straight anymore. And I couldn't even defend myself. How did I end up like this?

"Come with me." Eleanor whispers into my ear, running her fingers through my hair. With a small shove I start walking, I could hear her cackle behind me. My body shook uncontrollably, everything was spinning. But I couldn't take this anymore.

I grabbed her wrist as hard as I could. And she let go with shock, but didn't try to pull away again. So I pulled her in front of me, grabbing her throat in the process. Her face had gone white. I could see her eyes widen as I squeeze her neck until she was unable to breathe.

Eleanor falls to her knees, gasping for air. Before she could even react I pushed her off onto her stomach. Using both hands I choke her out, tears flowing freely down my cheeks. Her skin almost grey. She stared up at me with those bright blue eyes, full of surprise.

Tears streamed down my face and my hands quivered. Eleanor started making choking noises. Her breath became more labored and raspy as I pressed harder and harder to suffocate her. Her skin turns purple. She starts kicking and screaming.

Eventually, Eleanor stopped kicking and thrashing around, her body grew weaker, as did her breathing. She lay unconscious, eyes closed.

Panic fills my body, is she dead? I check her pulse, weak but there... I release a breath I didn't know I was holding, before collapsing next to her. I can't believe what just happened. What the hell just happened.

"What a fucking mess." I grumbled, wiping the sweat off my brow. I look at her unconscious form one last time, her dark hair fanning out behind her, her light pink lipstick smudged across her lips. Fuck. After everything she put me through I still spared her.

Slowly standing to my feet I grab my slushi from the counter, and drop a five on the counter on my way out.

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