1, The shard

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(First things first, there's sadly no font for the cybertronian language. So I'll be using japanese (A language i'm trying to learn)so just pretend its cybertronian. It will not be perfect and it'll probably be random sentences. Maybe ill throw in a few easter eggs...)

"Jesus..." I groan, mom stood in the hallway sobbing, she did the same thing with me working with NEST when I moved to the military base, but this luckily wasn't as bad. Since with Sam they can just go to the airport and be with him, but with me, clearance to get there takes weeks and they can't be there long. And I can't leave often.

Sadly I'm only here till Sam leaves, then I'm getting on a fighter jet back to Diego Garcia, an island just south of the equator in the central Indian Ocean. It's quite nice to be honest. Walking in the kitchen to grab a glass of water, as it was filling up, I heard something fall onto the table. Turning around swiftly I approach the strange object that came out of nowhere.

"Huh..." I reach out and grab the shard of metal, and-


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As soon as I was released from my trance, a pulse of energy was emitted from what I now recognize as a shard of the Allspark. Oh fuck. Electronics in the kitchen started to transform, thinking fast I grab the meat tenderizer from the counter and start to beat the decepticon before it could finish. Looking up I saw that I'm surrounded, so with my military/NEST training I of course broke the window above the sink and jumped out.

About 10 seconds later Dad walked out to the back yard.

"What happe- Oh Y/n what did you do!? The windows broken!" Dad shouted, dropping Sam's suitcases. Then Sam jumped from his bedroom window while screaming. I think they got to him...

As the decepticons started exiting the house, I ran to the fountain that Dad and Sam were taking cover behind.

"What was that!?" Dad yells,

"Fucking kitchen decepticons!" I shout over the gunfire,

"What?!" Dad looks between me and Sam.

"Doesn't matter! Bumblebee!" Sam yelled for his guardian. Bee immediately drove out of the small garage and started to fire at the tiny bots. And after he shot a handful, he then shot at Sam's room, or more like where Sam's room was... We all managed to avoid the debris, but Mom ran out of the house screaming.
Peeking out from the fountain I watch as she runs into a hanging planter with a waffle iron on her head... Shes gone off the deep end...

"Call 911!" Dad ran up to mom to help her out and call the fire department for our burning house. Fucking hell dude...

"Bumblebee! Get back in the garage." Sam pulls me from my thoughts as he yells at bee for almost burning our house down. Bee made a sound of protest,

"I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown, bee please just go quietly." Bee finally went and cradled into the garage,

"Holy mother of fuck!" Mom yelled as she seen the damage that Bee did. Oh god, I'm kinda happy that I'm leaving in a few minutes...

As the firefighters got here, Sam snuck inside the house, probably to get the cube shard off the table. Once he got inside Mikaela arrived.

"Woah what happened?" She asked me, I let out a chuckle before answering.

"Did Sam tell you about the cube shard?" I whisper to her, not wanting the people around to hear.

"Yeah, he said it was in his sweater from the fight in mission city."

"Well, I think it disintegrated through the floor and into the kitchen, and it made all the electronics turn into decepticons." I explain, she gave me a look of disbelief,

"Holy shit..."

"I know. Now I'm just excited to get back to Optimus." I chuckle, she looks at me again as if she wants to ask.

"Wait, don't you have that separation thing?" She looked towards the burning house,

"Separation anxiety? Yeah." I answer, looking at her in wonder at what she's getting at.

"Did it move from your parents and Sam, to him?" Mikaela looked back to me,

"Huh... Actually yeah I think so." I hum, huh.

"A woman with an attachment to a alien robot. That's new." Mikaela chuckled. Sam exited the house and ran up to us,

"Here. It's the cube sliver." Sam gave it to Mikaela, and she put it in her bag.

"Wait Sam, did you touch the shard?" I ask, he turns to me quickly, a look of horror on his face.

"Oh god, do you see the symbols too?" He asked desperately, I nod quickly as I seen mom walk over to us.

"Sam Witwicky a word with you." Mom started talking to Sam, but I decided to give them privacy.

All of a sudden I saw-


Ugh. A wave of dizziness came over me as I tried to sit down non suspiciously.


Subconsciously I started to trace the symbols on the ground, but since it was grass they didn't show up. After awhile I felt myself snap out of it. And saw that no one was in the yard. Bolting up I make my way to the front where Mom, Dad and Sam were about to get in the car when they spotted me.

"Oh Y/n give me a hug before you leave again!" Mom started crying again at the thought of me going back to base. With a light chuckle I pull my sobbing mother into a hug, then Dad, then Sam.

"I love you guys, I'll see you soon." I comfort my family as they forced themselves into the car and started driving away. An emptiness filled my chest as I watched them turn the corner and that I was alone on the sidewalk. Fighting back tears and anxiety I huff and pull my phone out to call Lennox's team that i'll be at the meeting spot in a few. Then a two hour long flight and I'll be back at base.

As I headed into the woods where there was a clearing to take off, I pulled out my phone and texted my guardian.

:"Hey Prime, how was the decepticons in Shanghai?":

It didn't take long for him to respond,

:"Hello Y/n, It went well, though it came with a warning. I shall inform you when you get back, are you on your way?":

:"Yeah i'll be there in a few hours.":

:"As will I. I will see you then Y/n.":

I smiled at my phone as we texted. He was able to do so through his comms or something, but It's still cool. Like Optimus, he's cool. And tall, like really tall, and pretty...


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