6, sector 7

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Trigger warning in this chapter for the mention of rape/Sexual assault

My body felt cold. Like laying on something hard and cold, but not freezing, more cool. Opening my eyes I seen a dim light in front of me, when my eyes adjusted I recognized the figure but couldn't put a name to it, or him.


"Optimus, humans are coming, we have to go." Someone warned the creature that was holding me. He looked at me with grief, then gently placed me on the ground next to where there was some crushed flowers. They all started to leave quickly behind the trees, I reached out for them, hoping they wouldn't go. The one that was holding me looked back at me for a moment, then back to escaping.

As soon as they were gone I started to clue in to the situation I was in, then random people in suits and lab coats came inspecting the yard. One of the men in the suits came up to me and grabbed me, pulling me to my feet and dragging me into the house where Mom, Dad, and Sam were all confused.

"Oh Y/n! Where were you? Are you okay?" Mom came up to me, pulling me into a hug. I nodded groggily. The man was talking but I couldn't listen, till another man walked up to the guy that was talking to us and handed him a machine of some sort.
He pointed the wand at Sam, and it started beeping a lot, then onto me which it went even crazer.

"14 rad for the boy, and 17 for the girl! Boom! Take em' and bag em'!" He shouted, the men then grab us and hand cuffed us.

"Hey-Hey what are you doing?!" Sam shouted, confused. We were violently thrown out the door and shoved into cars. Mom and Dad in one, and me and Sam and Mikaela in the other.

"So uh, Ladiesman217, That is your Ebay username, right?" The man asked, I think I'm just gonna call him Bitch lord, fits.

Mikaela gave Sam a look with his choice of usernames, So he came up with an excuse,

"Oh, it was a typo and I ran with it."

"And what do you make of this?" Bitch lord asked, pressing a button and playing a recording of Sam freaking out when he first saw Bee. Wait, Bee... Optimus! The transformers where are they?

"Yeah that sounds like Ladiesman."Mikaela looks over to Sam, who was flustered.

"Last night at the station you said that your car transformed. Enlighten me." Bitch lord commanded, Sam stuttered for his words.

"Wha- heres what I said, that my car had been stolen, cause this is a total misunderstanding that my car had been stolen from me."


"From my home but its fine now cause it came back!" Sam lied,

"Well not by itself." Mikaela chimed in, trying to support Sam's running lie.

"That'd be crazy as hell." I chuckle, making Bitch Lord laugh his ass off, making us all laugh awkwardly for a few second till he abruptly stopped.

"What do you kids know about aliens?"

"The- Wha? Like E.T?" I question him,

"Uh- Its an urban legend."Mikaela glances at us,

"You see this-" He pulls out his badge, "This is a do-whatever-I-want-and-get-away-with-it badge."

"I'm gonna lock you up, forever."

"You know what, don't listen to him, he's just pissy cause he's got to get back to guarding the mall." Mikaela sassed,

"Hahaha! Nice one Mikaela! He's so insecure that a little bit of power went to his head and now he's threatening us." I roll my eyes at him, laughing with Mikaela a bit.

"Hey, you in the training bra, and Radium girl, don't test me. Especially with your daddies parole coming up, and with the rapist getting out of prison soon."

"Wait what?! Rapist?! Parole?!" Sam looked at the two of us, mostly at the rapist part... Damnit I didn't want him to know...

"You know those cars my dad taught me to fix? Well they weren't always his." Mikaela huffed,

"You stole cars? And whos the rapist? Who was raped?!" Sam shouted, looking between the two of us.

"Well we couldn't always afford a babysitter so I had to go along with... As for the other thing its not my place to say." Mikaela explained, I put my head down in shame.

"She's got her own juvy record to prove it! As for you," He looked at me, Oh fuck. "You and you're mom went to the police station that day."

"Shut it." I glare, He didn't have time to respond as the car collided with something, and a bright light was shown in our faces, ow. Everyone shouted when two metal hands shoved their way through the cars windows, and was lifted up. Glass flew everywhere as I covered my face from the blow.

"Oh fuck-" I yell, knowing who it was and that we were safe didn't help much that this was pretty scary. I didn't contain my yelp as the roof of the car was torn off, and discarded. When the lights finally went out I opened my eyes to see a familiar face.

"You guys are so fucked. Haha! Let me introduce you to a friend of mine, Optimus Prime." I introduced the leader of the autobots. His eyes landed on Bitch Lord.

"Taking the children was a bad move." Optimus glared, the men pointed their guns at him.  "Autobots, relieve them of their weapons." The rest of the Autobots came from the bridge. Ironhide aimed his canons at them, and Jazz used some magnetic ability and pulled the guns from their grips. Nice.

Optimus got down on our levels, "You don't seem afraid, are you not surprised to see us?" He asked, the men trembled a bit.

"There are S 7 protocols okay? I'm not authorized to communicate with you other then to tell you I can't communicate with you." Bitch informs, is he serious?

"Dude, no one gives a fuck about your protocols you limp dick whore." I roll my eyes, everyone including all the autobots look at me.

"What? It was funny..." I look away, Optimus turned his attention back to Bitch Lord, "Get out of the car." He growled,

"Me? You want me to-" "Now!" Optimus cut him off, getting tired of his shit. Wouldn't blame him. Everyone got out slowly, Mikaela uncuffed herself quickly before doing Sam and me.

"Oh so you're good with cuffs now too?" Sam scoffs. Does he realize that not everything is his business...

"And me and you are having a talk later." Sam pointed to me, fucker...

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