3, Space

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"So, you think your Alien ship can keep Y/n safe? She's very important here, Optimus." Mearing did not quite approve of me going, but I'm going to space so who cares!!

"Our ship is more than capable of keeping a human on for just a few hours. And her suit is capable of handling all this harshness of space." Optimus set me on his shoulder once I got Northstar on and secure.

"If she gets hurt, one scratch, and its on you Optimus." Mearing was having none of it.

"Ms. Mearing, I assure you I will be okay." I smile to her, her tense shoulders relax a bit.

"Optimus, the ship is ready." Ratchet informed us through the comms. It then finally clicked in my head that I'm going to space. To the moon! I was extremely excited, but even more nervous.

"Your body is releasing more cortisol and you blood pressure has spiked. You're afraid, are you not?" Optimus asked without looking at me,

"I am. Extremely. Like I'm surprised I'm not vomiting right now. But if I do I'll try to not do it on you." I pat his chest,

"Much appreciated. But if you're so afraid that you may be sick, you do not have to go Y/n." He informed matter of factly.

"I know. But I want to. This is a once in a lifetime experience, If I don't go I'll hate myself forever." We finally got to the huge ship. Oh god this is terrifying. But so awesome. Optimus walked inside and sat in the captain's seat. Fitting for a Prime.

"Airlock activated." Ratchet sat in the co pilot seat. Optimus set me gently on his thigh to sit on and I can rest against the arm rest while being able to hang on to the metal panels of his body and the seat.

"Are you ready? Space travel can be quite stressful for the first time."

"As ready as I'll ever be."Then with a nod from Optimus, the auxiliary power units start. I feel the rumble of the main engines lighting. The whole stack lurches forward for a moment. Then it tilts back upright again and that's when the solid rocket boosters light and we were launched off the ground.I gripped onto the metal panels as the ground went further away and I could no longer see the base.
The ship rocked around some more. The thrusters firing to make sure we don't hit the ground.With each second passing, the adrenaline rush lessens and anxiety grows. I began to get nauseous as we got higher and I clung even tighter to Optimus.

My hands started to shake and I couldn't hold them any longer. They began to sweat profusely and I had trouble breathing normally.

"Y/n," Optimus spoke softly, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up into his concerned optics.

"Its alright, I've got you. You don't have to worry anymore. We'll take care of everything, we always have." He reassured me.The engines suddenly stopped. I gasped for air, still clutching at Optimus' leg tightly.

"Alright, we're in the mesosphere. Y/n, I suggest laying down, now." Ratchet ordered, I did as told and layed down on the top of Optimus' thigh. We continued going forward and all of a sudden I felt heavy. Really heavy. I read somewhere that while leaving a part of the atmosphere, mixed with the speed, you feel three your weight. And I sure as hell did in this moment.

The lights went dimmer, as our velocity began slowing down. I took in a large gulp of air. The nausea was still there, but lessening. I opened my eyes and saw the stars. Stars moving by rapidly, they looked so bright and beautiful. As did Optimus.But soon enough, the ship came to a stop, landing perfectly in place. My heart dropped and my stomach dropped along with it. I didn't realize how tightly I held onto Optimus until he moved.

"You're shaking Y/n. Are you okay?" His voice was gentle, reassuring. No. I wasn't ok. We just traveled over 240,000 miles in like 30 fucking minutes. And it felt like the longest 30 minutes of my life. The shaking and fear retreated thankfully.

"I am now." I lied. I don't know why, I just did.I slowly let go and stood up.My knees gave way under me. But Optimus caught me before I fell. I tried to pull away, not wanting to show weakness, but Optimus would never let me.

"You're okay. We will not be here long. Do you want to stay on the ship, or come with us?" Optimus asked,

"No, I'll go with... Just holy fuck that was intense..." I breathe, Securing the Northstar helmet, I go with the others to the air lock. But when I stood up, I bounced. Low gravity. Fuck yes.

"Oh fuck yeah" I grin, Optimus gently held me in his servo as he walked towards Ratchet, who was ready to release the airlock. Then did so, there was a really loud hiss, and we were on the moon. Once Optimus stepped of the ship with me in his grasp, he knelt to the ground and set his palm down.

"Feel free to explore, just be careful. Humans can only survive in space without gear for 15 seconds. So don't damage your suit." Optimus was concerned, but wanted me to have freedom around the moon.

"I will!" I nod and hop around a bit and start to explore. After a minute or so I follow the two into the broken ship. This thing is massive... Dark, tall metal walls and floor, jagged, sharp metal from the wreckage, and splatters of energon on a lot of it...I walked closer to some of the wreckage, and squint to try and make sense of the weird symbols. Then it hit me. Cybertronian.

A chill racked my spine and I quickly moved away from the wall engravings. But apparently I moved to quickly, despite the low gravity, I landed quite hard on my back. Luckily it didn't hurt that much.He looked worried.

"It doesn't hurt that bad, Optimus. I just got startled by the cybertronian carvings. Maybe a light bruise." I smiled reassuringly,

"Well, you must watch out Y/n. You wouldn't want to get hurt now would you?" There was an unamused tone to his voice. I smiled nervously.

"Heh... Yeah I'll be more careful." I nod, Optimus turned his attention to the reason that we're here. Sentinel Prime. Optimus put his hand on a button thingy that was almost half my height. The crash vault hissed open as the circler flooring rearranged and opened to reveal Sentinel Prime. A red bot, he was tall like Optimus, and shared a few similar physical attributes.

"His levels are faint. He locked himself away to guard the pillars." Ratchet held one of the pillars, it was all silver and was forged beautifly, with a red light in the middle, with the rest being blue.

"Sentinel. You're coming home, old friend."

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now