8, I can't live like this

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Tw: Suicide thoughts/ note

"...No, you're not. You're sweating." I heard bits of conversation from mearing and Sam as I ran up to them,

"I'm, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm sweating because I'm nervous. I'm nervous because you got me in here with this information. Okay, I'm a Twitter junkie. I blog everything. I can't keep a secret to save my life." Sam didn't look good, he looked... nervous? Or in pain.

"Oh, you wouldn't dare." Mearing glared at him,

"That's the truth. I'm telling you."

"Director, the Pentagon's calling in fifteen." Mearings aid called her, she gave us nod before walking off to do whatever. I paused as Sam ran his arm around one of the analysts, who was very confused.

"What are you doing?" He asked,

"Nothing. What are you doing?" Bruh.

"Get away from me." The man glared, and I pulled Sam away from the poor guy.

"It's been a remarkable series of events today at the Capitol. Just moments ago, legislation was passed to exile the Autobots from American shores. The U. S. Military alliance with them is officially over. In the words of the House Majority Leader-"

"No..." I covered my mouth as I watched the news, oh my god.

"What? They can't do this. You gotta tell them. They can't do that." Sam argued, looking between Mearing and I,

"Okay. It's official. It's a go, people." She hung up the phone,

"These are our allies. The Autobots fought for us. They fought with us." Sam continued to argue with her,

"And where are we now? Facing an enemy  be is where you're wrong."

I couldn't listen to them anymore before I I just took off running at the sight of Optimus in the distance. As I was running with everything I had in me, my eyes started to water, then crying, then full blown sobbing as I was running across a airplane runway towards Optimus Prime.

Of course my intense crying didn't go unnoticed by him either. Once he saw me he knelt down to my level and scooped me up.

"Y/n, breathe." Optimus held me as I hyperventilate in horror.
"No you c-can't leave m-me. I ca-cant survive. I n-need you. No no no no no. Optimus please no." I beg with everything I had, as I looked at him with pleading eyes and he couldn't even look at me.

"Y/n. I am... so sorry." He mumbled, rubbing my back but it didn't help my agitation.

"YOU CANT LEAVE ME!!" I scream as I punch his chest as hard as I could, but he probably didn't even feel it. Please no.

"... I have to. I'm so sorry Y/n... no matter how you feel, I'll still love you Y/n. Don't loose hope in yourself." He lifted me up to his face, and kissed my head with love.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. Sam," Optimus turned to my brother,

"I need you to take her, take care of her." Optimus started to place me down to Sam, but I tried to claw my way to stay with him. But to no avail.

Sam gripped my body and pulled me away from Optimus.

"WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE ME!!" I scream and kick, but it didn't do anything.

A security guard ended up taking me away by Sam's request. By then my crying had stopped. Just... numbness. I calmly walked into my room at NEST, and sit on my bed calmly.

What do I even do...? I love him. And he's leaving the planet... I can't do this. I just can't.

I can't live without him.

I won't.

So without much consideration I walk to my desk and start writing a note. There's no point anymore...

I'm sorry but I just can't without him.

Shorter chapter today because it felt right to end the chapter here! Im writing the next one rn!!!

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