7, Comfort

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A few hours of searching with NEST was starting to get stressful. I feel like at any point we'll get blown up by decepticons.

At least I'm with Optimus. And he could tell I was stressing hard, with my death grip on the steering wheel that I wasn't even controlling, and my leg bouncing to distract myself.

"Are you alright, little one?" Optimus asked, I could feel his holoform fizzle to existence next to me in the passenger seat.

"..." I had no idea what to say, really I had nothing to say.  He scooted closer to me, and wrapped an arm around my waist comfortably.

We said nothing as he started rubbing my hip softly.
"...  Today sucked." I speak up, trying to keep my voice even as tears threatened to spill.

"It really has." He agreed,

"How are you holding up? I know this can't be easy for you. He was your family for a long time." I turn to him as I ask the question. I know that Optimus doesn't like talking about feelings but I want to make sure that if something is wrong he knows someone will listen.

He hesitated to answer. "...I don't know." His voice cracked slightly.

My heart broke seeing him so torn apart, knowing how much he loved Ironhide. All of his friends...

"You can talk to me." I tried to offer some sort of comfort when I noticed Optimus' eyes start to water. I didn't know what else to do besides wrap my arms around him. He held onto me as tight as he possibly could, letting out small hiccupping sounds.

"I know... Its okay. I'm here." I cooed into his ear softly, "I know hun, shh..." I sighed softly as he let out a quiet sob.

Seeing the strong, stern, and calm Optimus Prime sobbing in your arms wasn't a common sight, but one I welcomed with open arms.

I rubbed his back soothingly. Suddenly his grip loosened, allowing me to sit up more comfortably, and instead placed his hands on my hips gently. I gave a slight smile, which turned into a full blown grin as Optimus leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine.

He tasted salty from his tears but I didn't care, it was nice having him here. After pulling away he rested his head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head.

"It'll be okay Optimus." I rock myself back and fourth with him in my arms. "Thank you," After a few more minutes of rocking I finally felt his frame relax against me.
I looked down at him, smiling softly.

"I love you." He mumbled sleepily. My eyes widen, Optimus just said he... loves me. My heart melted as I smiled down at him.

"I love you too." We stayed like that for a while, just listening to each others steady breathing until it lulled us to sleep.


As I awoke Optimus took a sharp turn and almost flung me onto the floor. I managed to catch myself before I fell off, but the look on his face told me something was up.

"What happened?" I ask worriedly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Decepticons are attacking us!" He growled through clenched teeth. My blood ran cold, "Where did they attack?!" I ask urgently, getting ready to fight whoever attacked us.

"There!" He points towards the front garden, of the Lincoln memorial. Sentinel stood there with the pillars.

Space bridge... Shit.

"Commencing transport." Sentinel held the control pillar, Shit.

Optimus transformed round me quickly and held me in his hand,

"Stop! No, no Sentinel!" Optimus begged of his friend to stop this madness, but he didn't care.

"Forgive me." He said half heartedly and activated the bridge. It sparked to life and very quickly risen decepticons came through and immediately started causing havoc. Optimus stumbled back in horror and realizing he had no chance to fight back, fled with me in his hands.

"Autobots! Retreat!" He yelled, stumbling as he was shot at. I couldn't tell where he was going and didn't bother asking. He placed me on the ground and charged forward, tackling Sentinel to the ground.

"Nggah! Why, Sentinel? Why?" I heard him plead as Sentinel got on-top of him and put his sword to his throat.

"For Cybertron! For our home! What war destroyed, we can rebuild! But only if we join with the Decepticons." Sentinel deflected Optimus' hits and attempts to get up.

"No, it's not the only way! This is our home! We must defend the humans!" Optimus pleads,

I get up from the ground and run through the knee deep fountain that's the size of a tennis court.

"Sentinel! I know you want to revive your world, but this isn't the way. You can still stop this, we will help you." I try to get through to him as I step out of the water, but he didn't care.

"You know nothing of our pain human, you haven't lost your world." Sentinel turned to me in anger,

"You're right. But wouldn't you want others to not have to experience that pain?" I kept my voice steady, but he just scoffed and turned to Optimus.

"So lost you are, Optimus. On Cybertron, we were gods. And here... they call us machines. Let the humans serve us, or perish! You're lucky I didn't kill you. In time, you'll see." He got off of Optimus and walked away.

"It's not over." Optimus huffed, standing up from the ground. I finally got over to him.

"Are you okay?" I ask, looking up at him. Optimus comes down to my level and scoops me up with a nod.


I awoke from fuzzy static from the comms, and barely was awake when I heard the message,

"Defenders of Earth. We have come for your natural resources to rebuild our damaged planet. When we have transported all we need, we will leave your world in peace. For such peace to exist, you must immediately exile the Autobot rebels you have harboured. Nonnegotiable. Renounce the rebels. We await your reply."


Fuck indeed.

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now