5, Appointment

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"So, am I dying?" I ask the medic with a smirk, who came back with my test results, rolling his eyes.

"Y/n, do not say that." Optimus scolleded, who was quite upset.

"I'm kidding!" I chuckle. Optimus was quite stressed from me having energon in my blood, which is understandable.

"Well no, quite the opposite. It seems to be... repairing your cells."

"Then why do I feel like shit?" I deadpan,

"What do you mean?" Ratchet cocked a brow at me.

"Well, my appetite is gone, my head hurts, I'm a little dizzy, and I haven't noticed much else."

"Well, I believe it is your body readjusting to the forgan substance. Try to take it easy and rest. That's the only thing we can do till we know more."

"Thank you, old friend. I will put Y/n to recharge." Optimus thanked the medic, and gently picked me up and started to make an exit.

"Do I have to go to bed?" I turn to Optimus who nods.

"I would offer you to rest in my sleeper cabin, but I am wanted somewhere, so you'll have to in your own room. I will be back before you wake up." he assured me. "Okay..." He walked us into my bedroom, setting me down on the catwalk in front of my room. With one last goodbye I sighed and went in my room.



Yeah that seems appropriate.

Of course, I had a absent seizure. Then once I came back too, I freaked out. First time having a seizure alone for a long time. But that's not the "Fuck" part. Its that during my freak out, I took more diazepam to prevent a panic attack, and wanna know the fucing cherry on top? Optimus go back early. I was just gonna wait it out alone but I know that once they kick in I won't care and I'll go out and see him.

So, Fuck.

Ooohh I should go see Oppy! Yeah I haven't seen him for a bit! My eyes land on a sticky note I placed on the door earlier,

"Y/n do NOT leave this room. Avoid Optimus Prime." It read, with a giggle I crumple it up and toss it to the side.

Swinging the door open I happily stumble out, heh drugs mess with your coordination a lot. My eyes land on Optimus with some of the other bots. Those being Ironhide, Dino, Sentinel Prime and the twins. I not so gracefully make my way down the stairs and over to the group.

I didn't even have to say anything, Optimus automatically offered his servo to me, and I gladly hopped on. As the others were lost in the conversation, Optimus looked me over.

"Hello little one," he said softly, his deep voice like a silk blanket that wrapped around you to keep you safe.

"Hii!" I jump up in excitement, overjoyed to see him. A small smile pulled at his derma,

"How long did you rest for?" He asked, oh. Well...

"Hm, trick question." I giggle, Optimus' face fell instantly. What did I say?

"Did I upset you?" I frown at him, my brows furrowing at the idea of making him sad or upset.


Oh god, does he know I'm... high? No he can't... right?

"Did something happen?" He excused himself from the group for some privacy.

"Uhm." I hesitate, nervous for his reaction. But based on last time he'll still be nice to me.

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now