1, Chernobyl

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"Urg..." I groan as I stretch across Optimus' alt mode, god that's better. After a almost 3 hour straight drive with Lennox and Epps, god it kills your muscles.

"Feeling better?" Optimus could tell I was uncomfortable during the ride since we were so cramped and tired. Lennox and Epps stopped to a store and I decided to stay with Optimus, and kept saying I could go in the sleeper cabin to relax. But i'm stubborn and didn't.

"Much." I relax,

"Optimus, we got a visual. Looks like the object's clamped in some kind of a metal harness." Lennox's voice came through the comms.

"Energon readings, sir. It's strong... below us. It's coming fast." One of the solders warned,

"Oh fuck." I sigh,

The sound was deafening as a huge deception drill thing started attacking, but we still had enough time to get out of its way. The drill fell onto the roof and smashed against it leaving behind scorches on the asphalt as it crashed to the ground making sparks fly, and smoke cloud around us. Gunfire rang out as they attempted to defend themselves.

Optimus started driving along the side of the building to catch up with the drill thing.

"Holy shit." I gripped my sword's handle as the drill crashed in front of us,

"Get ready Y/n." Optimus ordered as the crashed into the side of the drill, forcibly transforming and ejecting me out. I was able to quickly get myself stable with Northstar's jets.

Optimus' trailer transformed behind him to hold his weapons and jetpack.

"Stay behind me!" Optimus yelled to the soldiers on the ground as he grabbed his sword and shield. One of the many drill tendrils came towards me, I activate my sword  and slice through it effortlessly. It let out a hiss before dying. Nice. I attacked more of them as they attacked the soldiers,

I was getting really good at this, and Optimus was showing me how to properly fight and defend myself, well he said I would get better after my training, but I didn't care as much about that now, I cared about survival and not dying, even if it wasn't my first choice.

I slashed down a few more of the tentacles before moving forward dodging an incoming attack and cutting off another one. I saw a deception emerge from the source of the tentacles, it looked right at Optimus,

"Optimus." the bot hissed out, Optimus growled and got in a fighting stance. I flew up to Prime's eye level and ready myself to assist him. The driller let out a hiss and went back to where it came from with the bot too.

"What the hell was that thing?" Lennox asked,

"That... is Shockwave." Optimus sighed, tossing his weapons to the ground. I sheath my sword handle at my hip, and take off my helmet to take a breath of the cold, fresh air.

"Why was he after this?" I ask, turning to my guardian.

"It's impossible. This is an engine part... from a long lost Autobot ship." Optimus explained,

"Alright, we got what we came for. We should leave, radiation levels are still high. It's not safe to be here much longer. We'll take the cargo to nest. Lets go!" Lennox ordered, great more driving... A few of the soldiers picked up the engine piece carefully and put it in a box.

"Alright." Optimus nodded and lead the team off. I followed behind them, my boots crunching as the frost covered snow made the pavement slippery, I glanced over and saw Optimus looking ahead. His optics glowing slightly and jaw clenched tight, he seemed to be thinking hard about something. I started up my jets and flew up in front of his face.

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now