3, Ceftriaxone

925 23 17

^^ op playing volleyball hehe


~~~Y/n pov~~~

Optimus got worried as my sickness got worse, and convinced me to go to a doctor.
Hushed whispers, that sterile smell, outdated magazines, uncomfortable chairs... I hate the doctors office.

I miss the one at NEST...

I miss NEST. 

After a long ass time of small talk, a nurse called out another name, but Optimus stood up and grabbed me.


"You are a missing person, so I gave them a fake name. So until we leave, you are Lisa Cameron." Optimus whispered to me as we followed the nurse.

She brought us to one of the rooms and quickly took my temperature and blood pressure before walking off to another room.

Eventually the doctor came in, his blonde hair styled out of his face, black tie, and blue shirt.

I tried to offer a smile, but fell short as I could barely stay awake at this point.

"So your chart says that you have an infection. Let's see what we can do about that." He smiled kindly to me, and handed me a chart with all the symptoms on it. "I'm Doctor Banesby by the way."

Dr. Banesby then grabbed my arm carefully and peeled the bandage away.

Jesus Christ dude. That looks bad.

"Definitely infected. Okay so we need to take some blood to check for platelet count, oxygen levels in your blood, and any bacteria."


The doctors gave me some pills and ointment for the cut. After I was given antibiotics at the doctors office I've felt better. Optimus was so relieved it was nice to see.

After a couple days the wound was completely healed. Which is not normal. At all.

The cut is only a week old, and the first five days it didn't even heal because of the infection being so bad.

Then it hit me.

"I have super powers."

"... Love, are you okay?" Optimus asked softly,

"No, I mean my cut. It was almost to the bone! And now it's completely healed. Not even scabbed, completely scarred over. It looks at least a month old, but it's barely a week." I explain to him.

"... Hm, to a degree I believe you are correct." Optimus could barely believe he was agreeing with me on this.


We froze at the sound of a man talking suddenly.

"Remember this place when we were kids? How many girls you think you brought here in high school?"

There was two men. One a blonde guy wearing tropical themed shorts, a white shirt, and a blue hoodie. The other man had brown hair was looked a bit messy.

"I only remember one."
The brunette finds an old football and picks it up.

"Hey, heads!" he throws the football at his friend and it hits him hard in the head.

"That's why you didn't make the varsity team." He smirks,

"Ah. Alright. Go long."
The blonde guy throws the football but it bounces off a theater chair, hits something and breaks it before landing near the other man.

"Leave it." He waved his hands

The brown haired man seemed to notice Optimus. I held my breath in fear. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Optimus gently pulled me towards the sleep cabin and made sure I was as hidden as I could be.

One of the men opened the drivers side door,
I watched in horror as he barely peeked his head in but snapped back as some of the Mortar shells that I pulled out of Optimus, and had to hid from the owners.

"Mortar shells? What the hell happened to you?" Heh you don't want to know. He walked away after another moment.

"oh Hey, Snakeballs. How much for the truck?"


Wait what? How much...?


"That goes by the circuit boards. Put the Zeiss lenses over there." The man I believe is named Cade spoke,

"Dad, please. You can't keep spending money on junk just so you can turn it into different junk." His daughter spoke up.

"We do not use the "J" word in here. That is a Super Simplex theater projector, it's very rare. What about the Smile-Pilot? Or the Exer-Mower that I invented? Simply ahead of their time."
What are half the things he's even saying? What the hell...

"Yeah, like the alleged Guard-Dog." The blonde man Lucas snicked,

"You're gonna get him upset."

"Hey, Cade! Cade! This thing still work?" Lucas asked case as he sat back on a chair.

"No!" Cade's daughter that I still don't know the name of, interjected. 
"Yes. Yes, and still groundbreaking. Go back there and lay on the recliner and just wait for a cold one."

As Lucas punches something playfully, "Dude, stop breaking stuff."

"Final notice, late notice, past due." The young girl tossed each letter on the desk with dissatisfaction.

"Come on, come on. Bring Daddy the alcohol. Come on." Lucas tapped his thighs in an attempt to guide the robot to him.

"Optimus..." I whispered, it only took a second for his to whisper back.

"Yes darling?"

"How do- aw... Darling? That's so cute... But how do we get out of here?" I asked with dread.

"The only thing I can think of without blowing our cover is drive out when they're all inside." Optimus sighed,

"Good enough for me." I smile to myself. A plan at last.

"I mean, what is all this crap people send you?" We turned our attention back to the bickering family.

"That's a Discman and that's an 8-track tape. Music."
"Never heard of it."
She tossed them onto the desk like the letters but a bit harder. Some made a nasty cracking sound.

"Look, I fix that, it's a hundred bucks. I fix that, it's two-fifty. If I would have been able to fix that before you broke it even more, it would have been twenty bucks. This stuff is what's gonna put you through college, as long as you land one of those scholarships." Cade tried to explain to his daughter, who didn't believe him by the looks of it.

"What's the estimated time of arrival, usually? Average?" the little robot stops mid-way to Lucas.
"Wait. So it just brings the beer near you? That's the trick?"

"It's got a couple kinks, man."
Lucas agreed with him.

"Dad, you think maybe some things should never be invented?" The blonde girl turned to her father.

"No, I don't. That's backwards thinking. This is a temple of technology, you guys are standing in a holy place."

All of a sudden we heard a car pull up, I froze. Oh god is it Cemetery wind?!

Cade Says something unexpected,
"Purple People Eater's back and she looks hungry."


Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now