Transformers: Revenge of the fallen intro

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Two years after the huge ass fight in mission city, life started to get back to normal. Other then I finished my degree, and work at NEST full time. Pretty fucking awesome! Except the war isn't  over, so with my brand new electronic engineers degree, and the help of the autobots I'm creating something I call, Northstar.

It's a suit.  It's not complete yet, but it will be soon. When its done, while wearing it i'll be able to fly, use my gun-shield, and use a cool energy sword. 90% of its tech is reversed engineered from the Transformers, all thanks to bee, and a bit of Optimus and Ironhide with the weapons part. The sword from Optimus, like his that he can switch his hand out for, and ironhide with the shield I have that turns into a gun. We want to try to get metal manipulation, like telekinesis but we're not sure it'll work.

I'm surprised that mom and dad are so chill with Bee to be honest, they're still kinda iffy but still. But with Sam leaving to college it's gonna be rough for him. But he'll be fine. Luckily I don't think my separation anxiety will get triggered, because I have the autobots. But I'm working on getting over it.

Little did I know that we were about to be pulled into a war... again. Ugh.

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now