6, Backstabber!

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YALL IM SORRY LMAO IM BACK LETS GOOOOO! A little shorter then usual but ilyy

"So majestic and peaceful, this planet. Unlike the final days of Cybertron." Sentinel Prime stood facing the sunset across the horizon. Hues of gold cast across the field where we all stood.

"I've wondered what might have been, if you had fought the final battle, instead of me." Optimus doubted himself, something I haven't seen.

"Never mourn the past, young warrior. Thanks to you... our race survives." Sentinel gave Optimus advice,

"You were our leader, Sentinel. It is your right to lead us again." Optimus opened his chest to reveal his spark chamber, and removed the Matrix of leadership, and pushed it to Sentinel.

"In a world I do not know. I am no longer your teacher, Optimus. You are mine." He declined the Matrix, giving it back to Optimus who took it back with a nod of understanding.

My attention ws pilled away when i got a call.

''Y/n, we know what happened. The Decepticons raided the ship before Apollo Eleven ever got there, took the pillars, and hid them." Sam immeditly went off and started explaining.

"Woah, slow down. What do you want me to do?"

''We've got to meet up with Sentinel, rendezvous with him and keep him safe. At NEST, now!'' Sam ewas very urgent,

"Okay were on our way." Quickly I hung up and turned to the Primes.

"Optimus! Sentinel!" I jumped up desperately trying to get the Titans attention.
"Ah Y/n what is the issue?" Sentinel turned to me, a little confused.

"Yes Little one? Are you okay?" Optimus sensed the urgency in my tone and looked worried.

"We have to get sentinel back to NEST, now!" The primes looked at eachother then me,


"Deceptcons! They're after Sentinel, only he can use the pillars!" I explained in desperation.

"Y/n, go with Sentinel. I need to make sure you two are safe. Go!" Optimus urged us, sentinel transformed and opened his door for me to hop inside.


We arrived on the highway as I got a call from Sam,

"Y/n, decepticons are after Sentinel-" Sam hung up before I could even reply, followed shortly after by a nearby explosion.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath, sticking my head out the window I checked if we were being followed, though it was obvious.

Three black suburban's were hauling ass behind us, when the middle one transformed, and yanked Simmons out of his car.

"Why the fuck is he here?" I ask myself quietly, a signpost was knocked over and the last two decepticons drove over it and transformed and started chasing Dino, Bee, and sideswipe.

What ensued was the coolest chase scene I'm happy I wasn't directly apart of. Especially when bee transformed mid air, ejecting Sam, then grabbing him and re-transformed and continued driving.

Holy shit.

We finally made it to NEST. I hopped out of Sentinel,

"Hey, you've got to guard him. He's the key to the whole thing." Sam tells Lennox,

Something was off. Really off.

"Indeed I am. What you must realize, my Autobot brothers, is we were never going to win the war. For the sake of our planet's survival, a deal had to be made... with Megatron." What?! You've got to be kidding me.

Before anything could be said or done he shot Ironhide right in the back, twice.

"What have you- done-" Ironhide fell to the ground, nononononono!

"I hereby discharge you from duty." One final shot. He's... gone. No. Not gone. Dead.

"You... You FUCKING BACKSTABBER!" I screamed as Sentinel did nothing more but scoff and walked into NEST. Upon the heap that... was Ironhide.

I made a b-line for NEST, when I arrived...

"What is going on? What do you think you are doing?" Mearing yelled at him, Sentinel didn't even spare her a glance.

"I am a Prime! I do not take orders from you." He deflected an entire missle shot.

"Director Mearing, come on. We cannot fight him. Let's go. We have to go." Lennox came over nd grabbed her and pulled her along.

"Fall back fall back!"

"Now! Return what belongs to me!" Sentinel smashed more NEST property in rage.

"Oh... my God!" I heard Mearing from a distance as they fled to safety.

"Sentinel hit the vault! Took the pillars." Someone informed Lennox.

Lennox kicked a railing in rage before leading the others. "Come on, let's go. All right, notify the 101st Airborne! We need to hunt this thing down!"

I finally spotted Optimus in the hanger,

"O-Optimus, Its Sentinel, he went rouge. He... he killed Ironhide." I pant out, exhaustion catching up to me from running.

"... He needs to be stopped. Here." Optimus handed me Northstar, and i took it from him and slipped it on quickly.

"Lets kill that son of a bitch."

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now