Transformers: Dark of the Moon intro

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(I know the original timeskip between the second and third movie is two years, but I'm changing it to about three months. I'll let you know if it changes back cause it fucks the plot up. God I hope not...)

So, a few months after the battle in Egypt, life went back quite easily. Sam went back to college. I'm still so proud of him for getting accepted. Sadly Mikaela broke up with him shortly after the battle. But his new girlfriend is super nice, I've only met her in person twice but she's a sweetheart.

I also managed to finish the Northstar! It's incredible what I can do now. The sword is complete, the gun shield has been improved, and I have metal manipulation. The last ones quite weak still but I can lift up a small autobot, like skids and mudflap size.

Me and Optimus' relationship has grown only a bit because of mom and dad forcing me to be away from him for an entire month ago stay with them. And we haven't been able to hang out cause when I'm free he's exhausted, and vice versa. It was never like this before but he's been doing an important mission or something and I've been told to stay.
Apparently it's almost done so that's great.

The only thing we've done together is hold hands, and me sleep in his alt, not even with his holo form yet. But I'm pumped to get closer. He really is the best... Life really is nice, but I know it won't stay this way for long.

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