8, panic

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I feel my chest tighten, my lungs restricting my breathing, no. Not right now please!

I can't breathe
I'm weak
I can't do this. Help
I can't speak.
I'm dying I'm alone
I'm powerless
I need air. My heart.
Why can't I see? So much blood
I can't do this alone
I'm alone. I can't win
It's getting dark
It's madness. Help me
I can't speak. I need air
My chest hurts. Help
Why can't he hear me?
No please
Somethings wrong with me
My chest hurts I'm dying
I'm going insane. I can't get a grip
I'm powerless
Not anymore. Please come back
I'm weak
I'm gonna die. I can't move
Call 911. Help
Please someone. I can't win
Someone please help me...
Go away!
It's too hard...
I can't breathe...

"It's okay." Optimus gently rubbed my back with his thumb, I was being pressed into his chest as a resort to get me to calm down.

The blood pounded in my ears. My heart thudded in my chest. My hands shook as I tried to grip anything for safety. My vision started to become disfigured as I struggled to get oxygen as if I were looking through a fish-eye lens.
All of the intense feelings making me severely overwhelmed.

"Y/n, we have to get to safety." Optimus spoke softly, I could tell me was transforming around me, but I didn't pay much attention.

I could feel Optimus start to drive in the direction that the others left in. Holding my knees to my chest I started rocking back and forth in my seat in an attempt to self sooth.

"Y/n,  what is the matter?" Optimus asked, confused at my actions.

"S-Sam, Mikaela, W-what if- What if I never see them again! O-or they get hurt! Or killed!" That last thought sent me spiraling even more, gripping my hair I attempted to ground myself.

"Your heartrate is getting increasingly high, you need to take a breath. Sam and Mikaela will be fine, they're safe and strong, they can handle it." Optimus sounded confident in his reasoning.

"O-Optimus-" I stutter out,


"I- I can't breathe-" I desperately gasp, hoping that he'll be able to help. He pauses for a second before,

"Ratchet, I need your help. Y/n is having trouble breathing, Jazz, Ironhide go without us and get somewhere safe, when you get there send us your location." Optimus ordered, pulling over of the empty road. A few seconds later Ratchet pulled up to us, and his holoform exited. Optimus's drivers door opened and slowly I exited and tried to keep my footing as I stepped out of the tall truck.

One look at me and Ratchet just grabbed my arm and pulled me to the edge of his alt form and got me to sit down. He crouched in front of me.

"Okay kid, what's the problem?" He asked,

"I-I'm having a-" I couldn't finish the sentence as my body struggled against my mind. Optimus transformed , all of his mechanical plating reforming into his beautiful bipetal form. Ratchet crawled into the back of his alt form to look for something, Optimus came down to eye level with me.

He was silent was he gently reached out to me and started petting my head with his finger. Slowly I looked up to the prime, who was offering a soft, calm expression.

I reacted quite well to the soothing touch, my breathing slowly becoming more regulated and relaxed as Optimus gently pet my head, and Ratchet carefully taking the time that I was distracted to change my bandages again since they had quite a bit of blood on them from the wounds getting re opened.

"Your heart rate and blood pressure have gotten close to normal. You should eat and get some rest Y/n." Ratchet suggested as he pulled another one of the dirty bandages off. I nod to the medic in agreement.

"Hey Optimus, my bag is in your ult form, could I have it? My water bottle is in there." I whisper from my dry mouth and throat, feels like sand almost. Optimus nods and transforms gracefully once again, but as I was about to get up to grab my bag from him Ratchet stopped me.

"Just a second, kid. Prime can wait." Ratchet started to put the last bandage on. Surprisingly Optimus' drivers side door opened, and walked out an incredible looking man.

Brown hair, tall, sapphire coloured eyes... Was all it took for me to recognize him. Oh god does he look good.

I try my best to not stare as he walks over, and hands me my bag carefuly.

"Are you okay to keep going Y/n?" Optimus crouches in front of me. Staring into his beautiful eyes I give him a nod.

Woah he is pretty...

Northstar Optimus Prime x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now