15, Cabin

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Thank you guys so much for 10K reads. Holy shit. That's a lot! I love all the support I get from you all and I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Sorry for taking so long!!

"Y/n, we're here." Optimus said, pulling me from my deep thought. Right, as soon as I got back inside his cabin from the store, I just spaced out. Trying to either shove it to the back of my head or dissociation. Though the latter wouldn't work.

"Oh yeah. Cool let's go." I sigh in relief, no more driving.
Though Optimus looked confused,

"Where is it?" Optimus failed to spot the cabin.

"Oh we have to walk to it, there's no trail, no road or nothing. Very secluded." I explained, then paused.

"Oh yeah. You know I'm not sure how we're gonna get a 30ft tall transforming robot through the woods without causing a scene." I hummed,

"If there is no roads, will we run into any humans while on foot?" Optimus pulled over, it was early afternoon, a bit cloudy but not a soul in sight. So in the woods? I doubt it.

"I dont think so. There's no one around for miles." I grab Northstar and and my bag before hopping out. After a moment he transformed.
I unclipped my GPS from my bag and headed up the road more like it instructs, Optimus following behind.

After a moment it beeps and tells me to go left,

"Alright Optimus, now begins our journey through the woods." I smile up at him. He transformed once again but became mass displaced instead.
Just watching him transform I could tell he's exhausted. I'll get him to rest when we arrive.

"Let's us go then." Optimus said happily, masking his exhaustion as we made our way in the woods.


About 1 hour of walking with no path, a gps, and bugs, we finally made it to the cabin. It looked the same as I saw it last, albeit overgrown but nothing an afternoon of tiding up couldn't fix!

Lots of free room for Optimus to transform and walk around, no light pollution so you can see the stars very well, a little shed with some random tools, running water, power, canned food and water, and a small town nearby for shopping.

"So, what do you think?" I turn to Optimus who looked exhausted. Right. He's been driving for days.

"It's peaceful. It is nice here." Optimus sighed in contempt.

"Love, I think you should rest." I set my hand on Optimus' shoulder. Who shakes his head in disagreement.

"Thank you for the concern Y/n, but I'm fine." Optimus tried to get out of sleeping, but I wasn't having it.

"Optimus." I said sternly,
"You will rest. Now." I ordered him which even surprised myself but I didn't let it show. Optimus hesitated, but knowing I'd keep at it, gave in.

"... Alright." He gave up, looking like he'd pass out anytime. Setting my stuff down I grab him gently and guide him forward.

He silently followed half lidded as I brought him inside the clean but dusty cabin. Surprisingly clean too.
Guiding him down the hall to the master bedroom I got him to lay down. Surprisingly he didn't fight.

"You need recharge. I won't be far, okay?" I barely finished my sentence and he was already asleep. Well at least he had enough energy to make it to the bed.
Gently placing my bag on the ground I sit on the edge of the bed and pull off my boots, removing them and setting them by the door.
Tucking the blanket around him, I lean down and place a kiss against his forehead, "Good night... I love you." I murmur before leaving. Closing the door behind me.

Walking back outside I retrieve my stuff that I left on the ground and brought it inside. Once it was all put away I started to dust. This place was like a old closet or something, I would need to do some sweeping.

After sneezing way too many times, I decided to go take a shower.
I went upstairs and stripped, stepping under the warm stream. Letting the water beat my face. My hair being rinsed off, the soap washing away some grime from my skin.
Shaking my head, I quickly rinse myself off and change into some clothes, grabbing my towel and drying my hair.

Making sure Optimus is still sound asleep.
Turning off the lights I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. Not thinking about anything except how good it feels to have someone close beside me.

Then I remembered. Oh god... she touched me, again. Oh my god no.
Tears filled my eyes as I held in a sob, I held my hands over my mouth and grieved.

And ended up falling asleep in anguish.


When I woke up I felt a cool hand on my side. Opening my eyes I turned to find a sleepy looking Optimus holding me close.
"Did I wake you?" His voice still laced with sleep.

I shook my head as I yawned and stretched my muscles. Optimus just held me close as we slowly woke up and talked about random things.

"Y/n may I ask you about something?" Optimus wrapped an arm around me gently.

"Of course."

"What happened here?" Optimus turned my attention to the ugly red and purple bruises on my sides. Oh.

"..." I couldn't think of anything to say as I looked at the bruise. Shit.

"Y/n?" Optimus asked again, I looked up at him, right in the optics. He looked curious. Maybe I can lie.

"Oh I think I tripped when we were in the woods." I fake a chuckle and try to play it off.

Unsurprisingly he didn't buy it.

"Love," Optimus didn't know what to say either I'm assuming. Fuck, why can't I just tell him.

"If I tell you, will you get mad?" I face my back to him, afraid of his reaction.

"Of course not." Optimus replied softly, carefully grabbing my hand and rubbing my knuckles.

"Remember the last stop we took...?" I trailed off, he hummed.

"I... I was..." I was too scared to continue my sentence. I knew Optimus wouldn't be angry at me no matter what. But I felt his servo tightened it's grip on my hand. He's thinking the worst case scenario, oh god.

"I wasn't... I- I wasn't raped." I whispered, and I felt Optimus relax a bit.

"Thank the stars..." Optimus sighed in relief.

"But I saw her... She touched me... and when I tried to get away she grabbed me really hard, causing the bruises..." I confess, unable to stop venting.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier... I- I didn't know how to. I'm so sorry Optimus-"

"You have nothing to be sorry about my love, assault is very troubling and I hold nothing against you for withholding the truth." Optimus reassured me, holding me close.

"What that woman did to you has absolutely nothing to do with who you are. Y/n I wish I could make it better but all I can do is be here for you, no matter what." Optimus comforted me, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you Optimus prime." I lean into his touch.

"I love you too, Y/n Witwicky."

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