12, Early rest

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^^^ More hands drawings!!! I hope you like it!! I plan on more. This time I wanted to capture the size difference of Y/n to Optimus.

Something I always found strange was that the main hanger had a full body mirror. I never understood why. Why on earth would this room of all of the rooms here need a mirror?

Ever since I woke up this morning I felt weird. This impending sense of doom, that only got worse as the day went on. I did my best to power through it during training and lunch, but it didn't go to well.

During training my aim was bad, and my dodging wasn't much better. The running was the only thing I was good at today. I just told them I thought I was coming down with something.

They believed me.

Today just wasn't going to go well. And as soon as 4:30 pm hit, it just got way worse.

"Hey Y/n, suppers gonna be done soon, it's f/m. I requested it from the cooks since you're getting sick or whatever." Lennox walked past me with a few mutual friends of ours, who bit me get well soon.

The idea of food made me nauseous. But I just smiled at them.

No one really questioned my behaviour as I sat in front of the mirror. No one noticed. And I liked it that way.

I questioned if this feeling would go away anytime soon, I hope so.

Then all in one moment I immediately knew what was wrong, worry, fear, panic.

My breath hitched in my throat in that moment, I knew I was fucked. I have always been terrible at calming myself down.

I didn't realize that my breathing had become so out of control when someone came up behind me and rested a digit on my shoulder.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Optimus asked from behind, gently turning me around to face him instead of the mirror.

"I'm having a panic attack." I gasp, trying to take a deep breath like I'm supposed to, but I just wasn't fully able to.

"That's okay, what do you need?" Optimus was staying calm, which was nice.

"I-I don't know! Please ju-just help me..." I couldn't even form words properly because my brain was screaming to run.

Optimus looked at me like he understood my distress, I started to cry a little. I felt ashamed for crying and showing such weakness, but I didn't know how else to act, I couldn't breathe.

"Would you like to go somewhere more quiet?" He asked offering his servo for me to climb on. I did so and he swiftly took me somewhere quiet. His berth room to be exact.

Setting me on the soft berth, he crouched in front of it, facing me.

"Y/n, I want you to tell me five things you see." Optimus requested, his voice so soft and quiet.

"O-okay, um my hands.... Er the s-scars of Cybertronian on my legs, walls, you, and t-the floor." I stuttered, trying to catch my breath.

"Good. Good, now four things you can feel." He praised, smiling softly.

"My anxiety, t-tightness in my throat, the berth, and your hand on my back."

"You're doing very good, three things you can hear."
"My heart pounding, y-you talking to me, and the AC." I felt myself slowly calming down,

"Goo...d n...ow t...e...ll me." Optimus' voice started to fade away, and my Peripheral vision started to go black.

All I was able to do was lean backwards so I don't fall off the berth.




Slowly opening my eyes I don't see much, all I can tell is that something is in front of me. I can't quite figure it out.

Next I felt a hand on my back, gently rubbing circles. Yawning I roll over from my side to my back.

"How are you feeling?" The strange creature asked, I just stared at it.

"...Who are you, what are you?" I asked the robot man, utterly confused.

"My name is Optimus Prime, I am a cybertronion. A robotic organism from another planet." Optimus explained, I... what?

"Um... okay." I nod, a little freaked out.

"You had a seizure, Y/n. Are you feeling better now?" He asked calmly,

"Oh, uh yeah I feel better I think. Have I known you for a long time? I feel like I have."

"We met a little over two years ago. You sometimes have some memory loss after your seizures. It'll be back shortly."

"I don't quite remember much about you, but I know I love you." I confessed to the bot. Oh right, Autobots.

Optimus had a look of surprise on his face, before falling into a smile.

"...I, by Primus Y/n, you're so wonderful." He held my hand with care. As the seconds went by I started to remember more and more. Till I remember the last moments before I passed out.

"Oh wow, okay. That was a lot." I rub my eyes,
"Do you remember everything now?" Optimus rubbed my cheek softly, I hummed.

"I would like for you to go to sleep early, since your energy is drained from the seizure." He pulled me into a warm embrace, and made me feel calm.

I gently push him over so he's laying on his back with me on top. And nuzzled my face into his neck, and giving it a soft kiss.

Optimus chuckled at my kiss to him, and gave me one on my head softly.

"Goodnight Oppy." I yawn, exhausted from the entire day.

"Goodnight my Love." Optimus hummed, running his digits through my hair and lulled me to sleep.


Okay, once again next chapter may take a while longer, there's a paper that I had planned this part of the story on, and I lost it in my room cause it's a mess lol, should take too long but we're also renovating and I'm going into my parents old bedroom so I'm getting a new room, anyway I love you all!!! 💗💗❤️

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