8, Ignorance

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I completely forgot to update this bc I'm working on a TFP Op x reader one-shot its almost 10k words IM SORRY, but I will let you guys know when I post it <3, it'll be in my transformers one shot book. 

Leaving Optimus via his command, my only goal was to find that damn racing car. Thankfully that isn't hard with all of the destruction its leaving behind. I spot the shattered glass and hysterics of people leaving a small store which looked like someone drove through it. Hm, I wonder who. 

Straining my eyes, something catches my attention. Screaming? Turning my attention directly below me where the sound originated from, the exact car I've been looking for was quite literally under my nose. 

"The scary cars are back. Oh and the Ironman- lady!" Lucas pointed to me as I flew to Shane's side of the car. Sticking out my left arm I gesture to the mass of buildings, but Shane just furrowed his brows.

"Lose them at the factory, Shane!" Tessa (thankfully) interpreted my gesture correctly as he made a sharp turn to the left towards the large building at her command.

Now for these fuckers. I gotta get them off their tail. Maybe then I can help Optimus with that bounty hunter dude, Lockdown? I don't know, I have more important things to think about.

Somehow I got one of the cars to abandon Cade and the others and go after me. Perfect. Now I can't just stop and shoot them because, well, the giant turret will take me out before I could even react, and Northstar can't take that much. But, environmental hazards will do just fine.

"Cade!" Ah, there's one. I didn't spot Lockdown with Optimus, but I know he's not far behind.

Optimus started to lead right where I was headed in hopes of intercepting and cutting off the Cemetery wind agents from getting to them. So, once Shane drove past him, he leaped. And thankfully I had managed to divert one of their cars right in that mess. So when Optimus rolled over them, his forearm crushed it like it was nothing.

"Fuck yes!" I could barely contain my cheers which immediately felt inappropriate as some of those agents might be... dead. But no one had any time to dwell as more came around the corner.

"Take 'em upstairs!" I was about to follow the other humans before they went inside the factory, and I hesitated. Peering inside I saw what I feared. Support pillars, low ceiling, I wouldn't be able to help them as I'd spend my time trying to not fly into something.

But I can give a goodbye present! Aiming down sight with my gun I aim for the Cemetery wind car nearest to me.

Breathe in, hold... fire.

The car uncontrollably veered to the side and into one of the support pillars as its tires were shot out from under them. Scoreeeeee!

Not bothering to hide my smirk I turned my attention to someone I could help. Optimus hadn't noticed Lockdown swiftly approaching-

"Lockdown on your six, Optimus!" But I was too late as Lockdown landed a blow on Optimus, though thankfully he just ignored it. Truly I wonder how they can just get shot or thrown 40 feet and get up unbothered. Impressive, but now's not the time. 

An idea popped in my head, what if I... Distracted Lockdown? Just stay out of reach and get his attention long enough for Optimus to get to the parking lot where he was clearly headed.

Before I could realize how fucking stupid of an idea that was, I was already flying in front of his face and trying not to laugh as I almost threw him off balance when I shot at him.

"Y/n, fall back, now!" I ignored Optimus.

Lockdown finally looked at me, and... I couldn't move. His gaze sent ice down my back and something about him just threw me off.  "Ah, the vermin. She told me about you. The Prime's pet." Great, other one of these. I heard Prime yell at me again to fall back. 

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