Special Episodes: 16 (+18)

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I was trying to make this the last part of this long arc that had been going on more than a YEAR now and then write something really . . . 'special,' and then write the aftermath of this arc. But, this chapter started turning out to be too long, so I decided to separate this into two. Darn it :(

I'm trying to balance the atrocity of the villain and Ahri's (slightly plot-twisty) cunningness in this chapter. I hope it worked.

As always, I'm always grateful for your support and I hope this read isn't bad :D




This is 18+ THIS IS 18+

This chapter will be very triggering for some readers. Strong words, violence, mention of sexual abuse, and the 'r' thing that may happen or may not happen.

You have been warned.

Thankfully, this will be the last one that mentions or depicts the 'r' thing.

(A Few Days before Jeffric Ran Away)

A boy was sitting on the edge of the roof of a building. He was staring out at the cityscape with hollow eyes like a corpse. The hard wind of the winter night savagely blew his long brown hair, his breath, and his tears to the side.

He had his earphones on, not caring that his ears were numb from the cold, not caring his nose was hurting, not caring his lips were starting to turn white.

If his lips weren't moving, people might've considered him a corpse; dead from inside to outside.

But maybe he could be considered as a corpse.

After all, a person who had let go of everything was just a step away from the gates of heaven or hell.

But, for now, he just kept on singing a song he was listening to underneath his breath.

"I wish that I could fly . . . way up in the sky . . . like a bird so high . . ."

| | | |

I put my phone back in my pocket, feeling something . . . odd about Ahri's behavior.

'The way she said those last words . . .' I thought. '. . . it seemed so . . . familiar.' Then my legs started twitching nervously. 'Is she in some kind of trouble?'

"What's the matter, hon?" Evelynn, who was sitting next to me on the sofa asked, fixing her eyes on me in the way I found scary. Moreover, she was too close to me, and I was on the corner of the sofa.

"I-I don't know exactly." I pressed the side of my body into the arm of the sofa, trying to figure out whether or not Evelynn was slowly coming closer and closer to me or I was just imagining things. "Ahri sounded . . . strange."

Evelynn frowned, her cold smile and the hungry look in her eyes suddenly disappearing as if they weren't even there in the first place. "What do you mean exactly? Don't tell me Foxy's in trouble."

"Well, I-I don't know . . ." I whispered, fidgeting a little as I felt myself starting to sweat nervously under her stare. "I'm sure it was nothing . . . And even if she were in trouble, she'd have told me about it."

"That makes sense." With that, she pulled her smartphone out of the pockets of her tight jeans and started scrolling through it. That was when I noticed that the side of her thigh was pressing into mine; my other thigh pressed onto the arm of the sofa.

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