Chapter 20: A Dream and Kindness

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I was still falling when I felt a familiar warmth starting to spread on my hand.

I stared at it in bewilderment and saw that the blood smeared on it was starting to evaporate into thin air.

"What's happening?" the voice spoke in bewilderment. "This can't be . . ."

The warmth started to engulf my whole arm as I started to fall slower and slower.

"She . . . she didn't leave him . . . ?" the voice asked to himself in surprise. Then, he howled in frustration. "How stubborn is this woman?!"

Now, I'd stopped falling completely, and the warmth was engulfing my whole body.

And I realized where I'd felt this warmth before.

"Ah-Ahri . . . ?" I whispered while looking at my right hand in half happiness and half surprise.

Is she holding my hand right now? I asked myself mentally. Is that why I'm feeling her warmth?

Then, my vision started to fill with warm and bright light, as if I was getting closer and closer to the sun.

"Someday, Jeffric," the voice said to me hurriedly, "someday, even if you don't want to, the time will come."

"Wh-what time?" I asked the voice while the light filled most of my vision.

"You'll see," the voice snickered, "you'll see . . ."

Then, the light filled my vision completely.

Where was I?

From the looks of it, I was in a house and I was lying on something while looking up at a wooden ceiling.

Everything felt blissful and calm for some reason unknown to me. And everything in my sight looked . . . beautiful and harmless.

What was happening?

Why was I here?

I tried to stand up, but my legs felt a lot weaker than usual.

That's strange . . . I thought and raised my right hand up in the air, and when I saw my hand, I was really surprised.

My right hand turned from a bony and scrawny hand to a small, soft, pale, and pudgy hand.

It was the hand of a baby!

Then, I heard something approaching me from somewhere from my right.

What's that sound? I wondered.

Suddenly, a woman's face came into my view and my eyes grew wide in shock while my brain froze just for a second.

The woman had long brown hair and a pair of sparkling green eyes. She was smiling softly down at me, but behind her sparkling green eyes, I saw sorrow. And she'd a bruise around her left eye as if someone had punched her.

She . . . looks like . . . she looks like . . . me?!

She carefully picked me up in her arms and started to rock me gently.

I saw a woman who was rocking a baby to sleep before in my life and I wondered how it felt like.

Now I knew.

It felt like as if a warm and gentle wind was touching my face and arms while I was looking out from a window.

She did this for some minutes and I started to feel sleepy.

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