Chapter 25: Before the Surprise

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Ahri ran and ran until she'd reached the cave entrance. She panted for air while standing in front of it, trying not to fall over. Then, she walked into the cave, stepping on the dried leaves on the ground while walking by and she then put the things she'd brought on the small table that was carved beautifully from oak. It was placed near the entrance, and there was a copper mirror hanging on the wall, so a person could see his or her face while facing the table.

The leaf-green and white robe covered the table completely, and four rubies, the long bread, her 'decorations', and the two small wooden cases containing the golden bars were placed on the clothing.

She took several deep breaths then looked into the copper mirror. The mirror was entirely made of copper, so her copper reflection stared back at her, her eyes filled with excitement and worry.

"You can do this, Ahri . . . You can do this."

Ahri then pressed her right hand on the mirror's surface, her reflection doing the same. Then she pointed her finger accusingly at her reflection while frowning at it.

"You won't mess this up. You better not mess this up or I'm going to . . ."

She then stopped, realizing that she was trying to talk with her own reflection, and she turned around, her embarrassment apparent on her face.

"Good thing that Jeffric wasn't here while I was doing that," Ahri said while taking off the hooded cloak and dropping it onto the cave ground. Then, she realized something really important and she froze, her mouth dropping open.

Jeffric always came to the cave after lunchtime!

"Which is . . . now."

She stayed like this, not moving like a statue, for a moment. Then she ran to the cave entrance, her mind trying to come up with ideas but failing again and again.

I can't mess this up! She thought when she stopped in the entrance. I can't let Jeffric know that I'm trying to set up a surprise for him!

She started to brainstorm for ideas on how to make Jeffric not enter the cave while she prepared for the surprise.

She felt stupid that she had forgotten the most important thing; timing.

She was so desperate to find a present that Jeffric would like that she'd completely forgotten about when he was coming back. She first thought of hiding the things that she'd brought to the cave. But then she thought against it when she realized that there were no places that were suitable for hiding. Especially the bread. She then thought about running back to the village and meet Jeffric at the halfway, stalling for time. But then, who'd prepare the surprise for Jeffric?

After minutes of brainstorming, Ahri finally decided to talk to Jeffric at the entrance and somehow make him play in the wild for a long time, enough for her to prepare.

"I have to talk him into it . . ." Ahri muttered.

Then, her fox ears straightened up as if they were startled when she saw Jeffric walking toward the cave amongst the trees from far away.

She gulped nervously while rubbing her hands, trying on a smile which wobbled slightly.

I was walking through the woods while whistling happily to myself. Through the trees, I could see the cave entrance getting closer and closer.

I can't wait to give her the present! I thought excitedly, feeling happy while holding the flat and wide wooden case in my right hand.

Then, I noticed that a figure was standing in the entrance of the cave.

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