Chapter 1: The Beginning (Edited)

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(Edited Version)

My trouble started when I ran out of my house in the middle of the night.

I lived in a village that sealed itself off from the outside world. So, I didn't know how Ionia even looked like because the adults forbade us from going out of the village.

But, the day I became fifteen, I vowed to myself that I'll escape my life and find a new and happy one. I'd a dreadful feeling that if I lived another year in this forsaken village, I wouldn't be alive to breathe the air of this world.

And in the following week, I ran away into the nearest forest of Ionia, breaking the rule of the village.

Back then, I was confident that I would find a new life. But days after days of traveling, I started to give up hope. All the food rations that I'd secretly packed were all eaten up, my shoes were falling apart, and my strength was failing me.

The only thing that was driving me forward was the will to live. But now, it was starting to deteriorate.

Ignoring my sore muscles and my hungry stomach, I stumbled through some bushes. Pressing a hand on my stomach, I leaned on a tree trunk for support.

How many days had passed?

Would I make it?

Or was this a purgatory before death?

Maybe I already died of starvation and I didn't know it.

"Then where is that little girl in a mask and her wolf?" I whispered, looking slowly around for the spirit of death. "And where is that fox spirit to guide me the way . . . ?"

After a moment of resting, I continued walking, clutching my stomach as it growled. Soon, I stumbled into a tiny clearing where sunlight was descended onto the ground full of various plants.

That was when I saw clothes lying on a huge boulder in the middle of the clearing. I should've just ignored them and continued hiking in the opposite direction, but my curiosity got the better of me. So, I looked at the clothes more closely.

It was a strange yet unique one-piece dress made of red and white silk. There were intricate patterns of gold decorating the dress, including the surface of a pair of long red and white silk sleeves that were linked with it. A very long, purple ornament was hanging on the chest area, and two smaller ones were hanging on the left and right sides of the bottom edge of the dress. Next to it, a wide darkish-brown belt with intricate lines of pattern lay on the rock. And there were a pair of red shoes and shin guards placed next to the belt.

'That's odd . . .' I thought, cocking my head to one side. 'Who would leave their clothes behind in this forest?'

Then I saw something glinting in the sunlight from underneath the one-piece. Pushing it aside with my hand, I saw a pair of matching golden gemstones. Each one had the shape of a blazing flame, but they were carved in such a way that their sharper edges fit together, forming a perfectly smooth orb.

"Oh my," I gasped in wonder when I saw them. Reaching down, I gently grasped them in my hands. I examined the matching gemstones more closely and was amazed by the maker's beautiful craftsmanship.

'If I sell this pair of gemstones in a market, maybe I could buy myself some food,' I thought as my stomach growled once again.

The thought of rice cakes, delicious fruits, and chunks of meat made my mouth water and my stomach growl. I imagined myself eating them and licked my lips. I was so caught by the fantasy about the food that I forgot about the fact that these gemstones were someone else's property.

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