Special Episode: 3

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It was already 10:00 PM. Only two hours left before the New Year and I had a cold, which made my throat hurt and gave me a headache.

Outside, the skies were dark, and the colorful lights of the city glowed warmly amongst the building. And, it was snowing

I loved it when it snowed. Small snowflakes falling from the skies above and onto the ground makes me feel calm and sad at the same time, wishing that I was one of them, slowly falling to the ground as a part of a group.

I opened the window of the living room and put my arm out into the open, opening my hand to touch as much snowflakes as possible.

"Be careful," the familiar seductive voice said from behind me, "your condition might get worse."

I made a squeaking noise and almost toppled out of the window, but warm hands grabbed me by the shoulders, stopping me from falling.

"A-Ahri," I said while trying to steady my heart, "y-you scared me." Then I coughed. Dang, my voice sounds hoarse because of the cold.

"I'm sorry," Ahri apologized.

"Anyway," I said while staring at her with a confused look on my face, "weren't you hanging out with your friends?"

Ahri's friends, the members of K/DA; Akali, Evelynn, and Kai'sa. I saw them on the TV before I even met Ahri, and to me, they seemed to be really nice. But I still think Ahri's the best.

The reason I was confused was because she told me this morning that she'll hang out with them today, because it was New Year's Eve. I was OK with it because I was used to it, my family leaving behind me while they're going somewhere cool.

It was usual.

"Well, I told them that I've a business to attend," she answered.

"And what's that?"

She smiled at me. "You."

I stared at her in confusion, then in shock. Then my cheeks started to blush when my brain processed what she meant.

"You . . . Mean . . ." I said, "you . . . came back . . . just for me . . . ?"

Ahri nodded in delight.

"Well, I can't leave you behind on your own, right?"

"I'm really grateful, Ahri," I said. I was really touched by her, coming back to just to be with me.

"Almost two hours are left before New Year begins," Ahri said to me, "so what do you think that we should do?"

"Well, I guess we could watch movies on the TV," I said, "because I can't go out because of my condition."

We were watching a romance movie, which Ahri pleaded to watch. It was the usual cheesy romance movie where the man and the woman became loves because they had a similar dark and sad past. When we watched it to the end, Ahri stretched while making some moaning noises, which were kind of uncomfortable to me.

"Umm . . . what time is it?" I asked uncomfortably.

Ahri turned on her smartphone and saw the time.

"11:50" she answered excitedly, "only 10 minutes left before the New Year."

"Wow," I said while leaning my back on the sofa, "I can't believe that a year is going to pass soon."

"Yeah," Ahri said while sighing deeply, "time surly goes fast."

Then her ears perked up. "Tell me, Jeffric, what's your New Year's resolution?"

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