Chapter 18: The Awakening

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A bandit was leaning behind a tree while staring at the direction where the cave was located.

That vastaya will come from that direction and he and his companions were ready to capture her.

And, they'd prepared something.

"She won't have any chances," the bandit mumbled while smiling to himself.

"What chances?" a voice asked in a small voice from behind.

Before the bandit could react, he felt pain explode on his head, and everything became dark.

Ahri was standing over the knocked out bandit while grabbing a stone tightly in her left hand.

She needed to stealthily knockout many bandits as possible.

But why not just kill them? Her mind asked.

Ahri shook her head.

Because I'd promised myself that I'll never kill humans again . . . she answered her mind.

Then, she dropped to the ground and started to crawl toward the next place where she'd seen a bandit was hiding.

Thanks to the forest being so dense with trees, she was able to knock out five bandits now without being spotted.

There were more bandits than before. There were only six bandits almost a year ago, but now, it seemed that there were more than twenty.

She snuck up behind another bandit and whacked his head with the rock as hard as possible.

He instantly crumpled onto the ground without making a sound.

"Hey, who's that?!" a voice yelled from somewhere from her right.

She quickly looked at the direction where she'd heard the voice and saw a bandit pointing his finger at her from behind a boulder.

She was spotted.

She darted toward the bandit while drawing magic from the world around her and forming it into a destructive orb in her hand.

She saw the bandit's eyes growing wide underneath his cloak before she flung it at him.

It hit the bandit in the chest, and he flew back and landed on the ground, knocked out cold.

She heard bandits yelling at each other.

"Where did she come from?!"

"I don't know! Just capture her!"

She turned around and saw three bandits running toward her with weapons in their hands.

She formed destructive orbs as fast as possible and threw them at the three bandits.

The bandits instantly crumpled onto the ground upon impact while fainting instantly by the pain.

A bandit jumped at her while bringing his wooden club upwards to bring it down on her head from behind her.

She skipped sideways, dodging the wooden club and she kicked him in the jaw with her foot.

The bandit yelped and fell onto the ground while clutching his chin.

Then, she dashed toward the tree where Jeffric, who was trembling, was tied up to while dodging blows from the bandits that attacked her.

She'd reached the boy and quickly sliced the rope that tied him to the tree with her rock.

"Iminha, I'm here!" Ahri said while dropping the sliced rope and the rock onto the ground. "Are you alright?"

The Master of Souls (Ahri x OC)Where stories live. Discover now