One Year Anniversary

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"Let's finish this quickly!" A boy wearing a leather jacket said while placing a bowl of cookies onto a long table.

There were five people in a big room lit with a disco ball attached at the center of the ceiling, filling the darky room with all sorts of colorful lights, and there were three rows of long tables placed at the middle of it. And, a stage was placed at the end of the room, at the opposite side of the wall where the door was. Plus, there were shopping carts in front of the door, loaded with food like junk foods, tasty fruits, soda drinks, and etc.

The five people pulled them out from the carts one by one and carried them to the long tables, placing them evenly on the tables.

"Hey, Jeffric. Can you place the plastic cups, too?" One of the people asked.

That person was Jeffric.

Specifically; Jeffric from the Special Episodes universe.

"O-Ok, Big Jeffric!" Another person answered.

He was the younger Jeffric from the main storyline universe.

He hurriedly ran to the shopping carts and rummaged through them until he found the beg that contained the plastic cups that they'd bought.

He pulled the bag out of the shopping cart and ran back toward the long tables, pulling the cups out one by one and placing them on the long tables evenly.

"Ahri, can you throw me a bag of gummy bears?" A woman asked.

The woman was the Ahri from the Special Episodes universe (aka K/DA Ahri), who'd long blond hair and a pair of blond fox ears, wearing the K/DA outfit. Plus, she now had glittering purple nine crystal fox tails when her tails in the Special Episodes were the ordinary white nine fox tails.

This will be explained in the future.

"Ok, Ahri!" The Ahri from the main storyline universe answered and tossed her one of the begs of gummy bears that she was holding in her arms.

After a few minutes, the shopping carts were empty.

"Sir," younger Jeffric said while walking up to the boy wearing the leather jacket, "we finished setting the stuff."

"Nice work, guys!" the boy said while wiping his forehead that was beaded with sweat.

The boy wearing the leather jacket had long black hair that was tied to a ponytail. He'd dark eyes and a scar next to his left eye. Underneath his leather jacket, he was wearing a gray T-shirt with a skull on it. And he was wearing a pair of tattered jeans and a pair of sneakers.

"What time is it?" K/DA Ahri asked him.

The boy checked his digital wristwatch.

"5:54 PM."

"Six minutes left before the guests come!" she announced. "Jeffric, move the shopping carts out of this place, younger Jeffric, check the mic on the stage if it works properly, and Ahri—the other me—check the stage lights."

They quickly did these things. Older Jeffric pushed the shopping carts out of the room through the door, younger Jeffric tested the mic and saw that it worked properly, his voice ringing out of the speakers without any static, and Ahri from the main storyline turned on and off the stage lights that were attached on the ceiling over the stage by pushing the switches on the wall next to the stage and saw that they all were working properly.

"All set!" Ahri from the main storyline announced.

"Great job, guys," the boy said while smiling at them, "you all did great!"

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