Chapter 16: Taken

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"Mmmph! A-Ahri . . . oh! P-Please S-Sto— Ah!" I moaned while Ahri pressed her elbow onto my back.

I was lying on the cave floor while my chest was pressed onto it and Ahri was sitting on my back while giving me a back massage.

Ok, I think I should tell you why we were in the position . . .

It was morning when I woke up. I left my bed and started to stretch my arms upwards. Then, I arched my back backwards (to stretch) and started to lean to left side then to the right side.

I was doing that for a while when suddenly, without warning, I felt my back muscle explode with pain.

I covered my mouth with both of my hands to not scream because Ahri was sleeping on her bed, but I couldn't hold it back.


Ahri instantly woke up and jumped out of her bed like a startled animal.

"What is it? What's going on?!"

Then, Ahri saw me rolling on the ground while I was pressing both of my hands on my back.

"M-My back," I whimpered while trying not to cry.

The pain on my back was so unbearable that for a moment I thought that my old wounds caused by my dad's whip opened up again.

"Does it hurt that much?" Ahri asked in a concerned voice.

"Yeah . . ." I croaked.

I writhed on the ground while my long brown hair was getting tangled with the leaves on the ground.

"Hmm . . . I think I could do something about it," Ahri said, and I heard slyness in her voice.

"W-what can you do?" I asked her while (for some reason) my body started to tremble.

Then, suddenly, I felt something sit on my back. Then I realized what was happening.

Ahri was sitting on my back!

"A-Ahri . . .?" I asked in surprise.

"Stay still, Jeffric," Ahri cooed, and I felt her hands grab my shoulders, "I'm just going to give you a massage, that's all."

"W-Wha—?" I felt my cheeks blush like crazy and I tried to stand up. "A-Ahri, that's n-not necessary!"

But Ahri pinned me on the cave ground with her hands.

"Relax Iminha, it's all going to be fine," Ahri said reassuringly. Then, I felt her lean toward my right ear. "I mean, Jeffirc," she whispered seductively into my ear. "Don't you . . . trust me?"

Before I could do anything, I suddenly felt . . . a pleasuring sensation on my back.


Ahri pressed her thumbs onto my back hard several times.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"Yeah . . . mmph! . . . it feels good . . ." I said while trying to suppress my moans. But it was useless.

Then, she started to press her palms onto my back, and I felt more pleasuring sensation on my back. It felt as if all the pleasures in the world was pressing onto my back.

"Ahh . . . yes . . . Ah!" I rolled my eyes in pleasure while sticking out my tongue.

And that was how it happened.

It went like this for a half a minute.

"A-Ahri, I think it's enough," I said while panting uncontrollably.

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