Special Episode: 7

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While Ahri, Jeffric, Akali, Evelynn, and Kai'Sa were at Ahri's apartment, something terrible was happening at another location in Seoul city.

Something really, really, really terrible . . .

In a luxurious apartment, a man in the late 20s was staring out at the beautiful skyline of Seoul through his apartment's broad window, his pair of black eyes, slightly hollow cheeks, and his long slicked back hair that was dyed into blond reflected on it while he held his new smartphone to his ear. He was calling someone.

Then, the person he was calling finally answered his call.

"Oh, hi," the man said while sneering slightly, "did you miss me?"

He touched the broad window with his other hand. "I saw your performance in the drama on the TV. Not that bad, I have to say."

He laughed, which sounded more like a cackle than an actual laugh. A cackle that would fit the devil.

He turned around and walked toward the sofa and sat in it while crossing his legs. "Are you free tomorrow night? Why don't you come to the Shining Star?" he asked slyly like a snake preparing to bite while his sneer grew wider. "To my prestigious club."

He listened while the person on the opposite side said something. Then, he chuckled silently.

"Do you think that you have a right to make a decision here, 'Iseul?'" he said while stifling his silent chuckle, menace filling his voice. "I mean, you don't want the video to be released on the internet, do you?" He laughed when he heard the person on the other side of the phone gasping in horror. "Just come to my club tomorrow night, or else."

He hung up and put his smartphone into his pocket. Then, he broke into loud cackle-like laughter.

A threat was looming over the horizon.

A threat that might destroy the ordinary lives of innocent people.

Ahri explained the rules of the game. The game she came up with was something that many people at my high school played a lot.

It was a game where you say a single number starting from one while praying that nobody would say the number that you'd said. If you say the number and another or other several people say the same number, you and the other people get a penalty where the people who didn't say the number gets to slap your back and other people's back four times (the penalty was sometimes different, but this penalty was common).

For example; there are ten people in a room. When the game starts, a person says "One," and nobody says the number, then that person is safe. Then, when another person says "Two," and nobody says that number either, that person is safe, too. But, when a third person says "Three," and a fourth person says the number, they both get the penalty. And, with some miracle, if nine individuals out of ten say a number without any other people saying the number at the same time, the remaining one person gets a penalty.

I looked nervously around the room. When playing this game, it was required to try figuring out if others were going to say the number.

"One!" I yelled. Thankfully nobody said the number.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was lucky," I said and took a sip of canned beer, the bitter taste filling my mouth once again.

Ahri glanced around, studying the other three.

"Two!" Ahri and Akali yelled at the same time.

"You guys are caught," Evelynn said while cracking her knuckles and smiling menacingly.

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