Chapter 3: Now (Edited)

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(Edited Version)

That was how I got here, lying helplessly in front of the legendary nine-tailed fox demon. When I was a kid, I'd nightmares about the folktales of the nine-tailed fox demon. But I always reassured myself that it was just a story, nothing else but a nightmarish tale created through generations and generations of storytelling.

But now, the nine-tailed fox was standing in front of me.

'I'm dead,' I thought, staring up at the fox woman in terror. 'This is the end.'


When Ahri was bathing in the lake, she'd thought she saw someone at the corner of her eyes. But when she looked, there was no one there. When she was dressing up, however, she'd noticed that her precious twin gemstones were gone.

She desperately looked around for it for half an hour, then, she finally found a trampled bushes near the river.

That was when she realized that someone had taken them.

So, she started to track down the thief, which was easy because he had left obvious tracks for her to follow. She'd watched him from behind, without him noticing, although he'd suspected that someone was watching him.

Now, she'd caught him, and she could look more closely at the boy's face. The boy had filthy, but smooth and long brown hair that reached his neck—now wet due to the water and had a pair of big green eyes now filled with fear.

And, the boy's body was trembling uncontrollably.

Ahri smiled down at the boy, which made the boy tremble with terror even more.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," she said in a soothing tone. The boy didn't answer, but he just stared up at her with fear still in his eyes.

Ahri crouched down and pulled his face closer to hers, their eyes only a few centimeters away. He started whimpering like a scared prey, tears now forming in his eyes. She closed her eyes and reached into the boy's mind. Then her mouth suddenly dropped open in surprise.

The boy's mind was a chaotic mess of memories, and she could feel that he was filled with an unbelievable amount of life essence, which was impossible because he was only a human.

'How can this be?' Ahri thought, cocking her head to one side. 'And these memories . . . they feel as if they aren't his . . .'

She pushed her confusion to the back of her mind and concentrated on the boy's mind. She navigated through his mind and finally found a part that was not chaotic but ordered. Smiling, she grasped it.

When Ahri opened her eyes, the boy had stopped trembling. He looked as if he was hypnotized by a magician: his eyes blank and transfixed on her. His pupils had turned from green to darkish green and his expression was blank, too.

"What's your name, little one?" she asked while smiling down at the boy.

"Jeffric," he answered in a hollow voice. "My name is Jeffric."

'A strange name,' she thought. 'It almost doesn't sound Ionian.'

"Well, Jeffric," Ahri said, standing up from her crouching position. "Stand up and come closer."

The boy stood up from the rock that he was lying on, and stepped closer to Ahri, still looking up at her with his blank eyes.

"Give back my gemstones," she purred at him, crossing her arms across her chest.

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