Chapter 2: The Woman (Edited)

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(Edited Version)

When I woke up, I felt so refreshed. Standing up, expecting to feel my sore muscles again, I felt no pain.

I blinked my eyes in confusion.

'That's strange . . .'

Then I looked down at my legs and moved them forward and backward for a moment. By some miracle, I felt much stronger than yesterday!

Stretching my back, I sleepily wiped my face with both of my hands. Then, I stepped out of the cave. By the looks of it, it was early morning. I yawned and started to walk again, ignoring my sleepiness. Another day of walking, another day of making my body sore.

'I wonder how big this forest is,' I thought, walking through some bushes. 'Is there even an end to this?'


It was late afternoon when I suddenly started to feel a strange sensation on my back. At first, I thought it was my back aching again. Then, I stopped in my tracks when it started to feel more and more uncomfortable.

I felt like I was being watched.

A chill ran down my spine as the uncomfortable feeling started to grow even more and more. But it was impossible because I was not in my village but the forest.

Whirling around, I saw nothing; Only rows and rows of tall trees, clumps of bushes, and some boulders.

Scratching my head in confusion, I turned around to continue walking. But I froze once more when I felt that sensation again. Whirling around, there was nothing.

'Relax, Jeffric,' I thought to myself. 'There's nothing there.'

I continued walking again, and this time, the sensation didn't come.


The sun was setting, so I tried to find somewhere to stay for the night but found none.

"I guess I should sleep outside tonight," I said to myself. Luckily, I discovered a clearing while I was trying to find somewhere to stay. And I found a stream nearby, flowing down toward the southern direction. I felt thirsty, so I drank a lot from it before returning to the clearing.

Sitting down in the middle of the clearing for some minutes, I yawned a little. When the sun was gone from the sky and night was settling over the forest, I lay down on the grassy ground while staring up at the sky. The night sky was filled with thousands of stars, glowing like precious pearls. I always loved stars because when I saw them, they provided me with warmth different from any fire could provide.

I yawned again as sleep started to take over. Then, I closed my eyes.


I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling thirsty. Groggily standing up, I trudged toward the direction where the stream was located. Passing by some trees, I stopped at the side of the stream. Crouching down, I put both of my hands into the cold, flowing surface. Then, I scooped up a handful of water and took a sip.

After that, I stood up and started to head back toward the clearing. Suddenly, the sound of something landing on the grass made me stop dead in my tracks. Looking down, I saw the twin gemstones I'd taken previously had fallen out of my pocket.

Picking it up, I looked at it with regret again sprouting in my heart. The heavyweight of the guilt of taking this strange, yet beautiful gemstones from the previous owner made my shoulders slump.

What if they were very precious to her? What if she were searching for them desperately through the woods? What if she were crying right now in despair?

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