Special Episode: 4.5

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Hey guys . . . I made a mistake. Jeffric is actually 19 this year in the alternative universe. I wrote the wrong number at the Special EP: 4. Whoops. And, this episode is episode 4.5 because it's too short to be episode 5. Plus, I wrote this to celebrate my birthday (which is today).

Now, I'm ready to continue writing the main storyline, so be prepared everyone!

P.S. Happy birthday to me!

Ahri tiptoed into Jeffric's room after opening the door quietly.

She was holding her smartphone and was recording a video.

"This is Ahri, and I'm here to surprise Jeffric, my . . . friend who's staying at my house," Ahri whispered while looking at her smartphone's camera lens excitedly. "Why am I going to surprise him? Well, because today's his birthday! And, I'm going to birthday punch him!"

Then she made a confused face.

"Wait, why am I recording this? I'm not even going to post it somewhere . . ."

She shrugged after thinking for a while and started to approach Jeffric's bed quietly like a fox on prey.

She placed her smartphone on a small table that was located next to his bed and adjusted it to record the video perfectly to show Jeffric after the 'surprise'.

She laughed softly while looking down at Jeffric's who was still sleeping peacefully, not knowing what was going to happen to him.

She slowly extended her hands toward Jeffric who was mumbling something about Ahri.

"Ahri . . . why are you . . . holding a mini gun . . . ?" Jeffric mumbled sleepily while dreaming about Ahri holding a mini gun.

"Because I'm going destroy you!" Ahri exclaimed and grabbed Jeffric, flipped him over on the bed, making his face press onto his pillow, and started to slap his back with her hands.

"Wha—?!" Jeffric yelled in surprise.

"Happy birthday, Jeffric!" Ahri exclaimed. "Time for some birthday punches!"

"They're not punches! They're slaps!" Jeffric exclaimed while wriggling on his bed, trying in vain to escape from Ahri's birthday 'punches'.

After a minute of birthday 'punches', Ahri finally stopped, and Jeffric lay on his bed while twitching because of his aching back. He looked as if he was electrocuted.

"My back . . ." Jeffric moaned weakly while pressing his hand on his aching back.

"Well, I have to say that I'm really good at recording videos," Ahri said while checking the video on her smartphone to see if she'd had recorded it without any mistakes.

"Did you just record all of that?" Jeffric asked weakly. "Not fair, Ahri . . ."

"The word isn't fair, little guy," Ahri said while winking at him. Then, she hoisted him up from the bed with both of her arms with ease (because Jeffric was so light) and started to carry him toward the door. "Now, let's eat some cake, shall we?"

"Yeah, cake," Jeffric cheered faintly while still feeling pain on his back. If his back wasn't so painful, he would've jumped around happily because he never ate a cake before in his life. But he still felt happy nonetheless.

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