Chapter 19: Guilt

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(Warning! This chapter may be disturbing to some (many) readers. This chapter is more disturbing than chapter 13. You have been warned and please read this chapter with caution. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

Ahri was desperate.

Wolves and bandits were surrounding them and were trying to capture her and kill the boy.

She won't let it happen. She wasn't going to lose another person that was precious to her. No, not again . . .

She hugged the boy tightly in her arms, even though her back, where a wolf had clawed her, was exploding with pain.

Then, a wolf pounced, with its fangs bared and its eyes glaring straight at them.

Helplessness and fear filled her heart.

But something unexpected happened.

Jeffric had raised his left hand at the wolf, which was still in midair.

Before she could cry out a warning at the boy, she heard things piercing . . . flesh?

She blinked, trying to understand what just happened and finally realized.

Long dark spikes were protruding out of the boy's left hand and arm, all piercing through the wolf that was still in midair.

Her jaw dropped open, but no sound came out.

His hand was clutched into a fist, and when he unclenched his fist, the spikes mirrored the movements of his fingers.

The wolf exploded into bits and pieces, blood splattering everywhere.

Ahri stared at the pieces of the wolf on the ground in a mixture of shock and horror. Then, she looked at Jeffric and her heart dropped.

Jeffric's green eyes . . . Jeffric's beautiful green eyes . . . were now burning with black flames while their center glowed red.

Before she could do anything, Jeffric stood up, the dark spikes contracting back into his hand and arm, and stepped forward.

Rage was burning me, ravaging my mind like flames burning a forest.

The reality was crumbling more around me while my eyes started to feel as if they were being burned too. The monsters from my old nightmare and the boys back in my village stepped backward, their eyes growing big in fear when they saw me standing up.

For years, back in my village, I was always got beaten by the boys, always fear standing over me like a merciless god.

Now, it was different.

Now, they feared me.

"How dare you . . . ?" I whispered at them while staring straight at Terian, who was trembling violently while falling onto his behind in fear.

The image of Ahri's bloody wound on her back filled my mind, and I felt the rage devour itself out of my mind.

"How dare you?!" I screamed, my voice starting to match the voice of the being that talked to me.

A foolish boy ran at me while raising his rake to strike me down on my head.

I gritted my teeth and grabbed the rake with my left hand before it could hit my head and dug my fist into the boy's stomach. Dark spikes were protruding out of my fist, and they pierced through the boy's stomach, the tips out at the other side.

I pulled back my right fist, pulling the spikes out with it.

Dark liquid started to pour out of the hole on the boy as if his tainted soul was bleeding sin.

The Master of Souls (Ahri x OC)Where stories live. Discover now