Special Episode: 12 (Not 17+)

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It was snowing, countless snow falling toward earth like dust. At a playground, a little girl who was around four or five was making a snowman while looking as if she was on the verge of crying. She was wearing an old winter coat and a pair of worn-out gloves. She tried her best to make a snowman, but the result didn't look good. The snowman was small and lumpy, its arms which were sticks were small, and the facial features that the girl had created by placing tiny pebbles onto its face looked deformed.

The girl stared at her creation while trying to hold back tears. She'd an expression of a person who'd lived without any joy in his or her life; filled with fear and depression as if the whole world was in darkness. An expression that no child should ever have on their faces.

Just a moment ago, she'd watched in horror as her parents yelled and shouted at each other violently, lashing out at each other for some reason unknown to her. Today wasn't the first, but it was the most vicious one. So, the girl had run out of her apartment to the nearest playground after putting on her old winter coat because, through the window, she'd seen snow falling. The pair of gloves were inside the coat's pocket, so she'd decided to build a snowman to make herself feel better.

But it didn't.

Suddenly, she heard happy laughter coming from the entrance of the playground. She glanced toward that direction and saw that a happy family of three was entering the snow-covered playground, not noticing her standing in the corner in front of her pathetic-looking snowman.

The girl watched as the family started to build snowmen. She saw them laughing happily while building them with joyful smiles on their faces. She saw how happy they were. The parents weren't fighting each other with hatred contorting their faces and the small boy didn't look fearful.

The girl kept on watching them until they built three snowmen. She heard them chatting happily while the mom took a picture of the three snowmen with her phone. Then, they walked out of the playground, leaving the girl alone. She just stood there, staring at the family with a longing glance. Then, she looked at the three snowmen that they'd built. Two snowmen were big while a small snowman stood between them. They looked perfect, unlike hers. She looked back at her creation. It was alone and was imperfect.

While staring at her snowman, she remembered the little boy. He looked so innocent and harmless as if his life wasn't filled with fear like hers. Moreover, his parents seemed to be happy with each other, from the looks of their smiles.

"I wish mama and papa stop fighting . . ." The girl whispered. "I wish . . . they were happy . . . like them."

The girl kept on remembering how the family looked do happy with each other. The more she thought of them, the more something boiled from deep within her, like a volcano ready to explode. The girl didn't understand what it was and she was confused about it. It started to feel as if it would explode at any moment. She fell onto her knees while clutching her chest, struggling to settle it down. But in the end, it didn't and she found herself starting to sob in misery and felt her face muscles starting to contort into an expression that she'd never made before in her life as the feeling of something boiling within her made her body shake violently.

"Wh-Why . . ." She growled through gritted teeth as tears that she'd held back for several minutes finally flowed down her cheeks. "Why can't I be happy . . . like that boy?"

As the pathetic snowman that she'd built fell over because of a sudden gush of cold wind, snow started to cover the little girl's hair, almost making it look as if it was white.

Riven and I was sitting on the side of the alleyway, our backs pressed against its wall. Me, lamb, and wolf were staring at Riven while she was looking down at the ground in shame.

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