Chapter 4: The Nine-Tailed Fox (Edited)

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(Edited Version)

Many glimpses of memories passed by my mind like shooting stars of souls. I saw happy families that I didn't recognize, cities and towns that I'd never seen before, and battles and wars happening between countries that I'd never learned in my life as feelings of happiness, sadness, anger, and fear mixed within me.

Suddenly, every memory started to mingle with each other, all becoming one and their combination started making my head hurt as if they were being split into different directions.

I tried to scream, but I learned that I didn't have a body.

Then, all the emotions started to break me apart from the inside. Then . . .


I woke up from my sleep and found myself lying in the middle of the clearing. It was already morning, and my muscles were aching a little.

'What a dream,' I thought to myself. 'I first dreamed about being chased by the nine-tailed fox demon, then I dreamed about a lot of . . . memories and emotions?'

I shook my head and started to get up. 'At least they weren't—'

Then I was face-to-face with the fox demon.

Screaming, I fell onto my back. Then I started to get up again but screamed yet again when I was face-to-face with the fox demon.

The nine-tailed fox demon was crouching in front of me, studying me with an amused smile on her face.

"Calm down, Jeffric," the fox demon said in a reassuring voice. "I'm not going to bite you, or anything."

"H-how did you k-know my name?!" I cried out in fear. I tried to crawl backward, but she grabbed me by my legs, detaining me from getting away. I frantically pulled out them while whimpering, but they only budged a little in her grasp.

"I have my ways," she drawled, watching me with an amused smile on her face as she watched me struggling. Then she stood up, letting go of my legs, and started walking toward something. "Come on," she said, glancing back at me. "Breakfast's ready."

Looking at her in confusion, I looked past her and saw that there was a campfire at the edge of the clearing. The fox demon was holding somethings above the campfire. That was when I noticed a delicious smell in the air.

'It almost smells like . . . meat?'

Standing up slowly, I looked at the fox demon who had her back turned on me.

I thought about running away but decided against it. Then I remembered being chased by her and knew it was pointless. And, she wasn't acting hostile toward me, so I might not be in danger. If she wanted my life essence, I would've already been dead now.

After looking around nervously, I slowly approached her.

The fox demon was sitting in front of the campfire, holding two sticks with her hands. Each had a big piece of meat speared onto its tip, and she was holding them above the campfire, letting them roast slowly.

When I was approaching her, the nine-tailed fox demon gave me chills by turning around and smiled at me.

"Here you go," she said and handed me one of the big pieces of speared meat, her nine tails swaying behind her eagerly. I took it by the stick with my trembling hands and went around the campfire with nervousness making my heart beat quickly. I sat down, facing the fox demon with the campfire in the middle.

She was not hostile, but I wasn't sure if I could trust her.

I carefully bit off a small chunk of the meat and started chewing. Its delicious taste exploded inside my mouth, making my eyes grow wide. For days, I ate food rations, and when I ate all the food rations, I started to eat wild berries and even tried some leaves when I couldn't find any of them. Now, I was eating a slice of delicious meat which was roasted by the nine-tailed fox.

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