Chapter 10: Bed Time Story (Edited)

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(Edited Version)

In a dark place, a boy was walking without taking a break. The sky was dark as the deep depths of space, and the landscape was the color of burnt ashes. The sky and the earth were almost indistinguishable, the earth had a slightly lighter color.

The boy was walking through the dark landscape while mumbling, and sometimes laughing silently, to himself. He was wearing a cloak that seemed like it was made of ash. And, underneath the hood, a pair of red eyes glowed, radiating with anger, hatred, and insanity.

"You're a foolish person," he mumbled to himself. Then he laughed bitterly. "Why? Just why won't you release me on them? Why? I know that you want to release hell on those miserable bastards."

He'd been walking through the dark land for years now, and he got stronger and stronger when days passed by.

Then, he suddenly noticed something strange. Faraway from the place where he was standing, a faint blue light was gleaming in the horizon, like a sunrise.

"What in the name of misery is that?" The boy asked himself.

That was when he started to walk toward the horizon faster than before. Step after step, the light started to become brighter and brighter. And sometimes, a beam of blue light streaked from the dark skies above and onto the horizon, as if it were a string.

The boy started to come closer to the source of the strange blue light. Then after some days or weeks, he was finally standing in front of the source.

It was a gigantic blue orb, emitting magic and something . . . unusual.

The boy cautiously walked up to the orb until he was only standing just a step away from it.

It was shimmering and glowing with warmth. And its surface was swirling around, making the boy feel dizzy. He shook his head, getting rid of the dizziness, and just stared at the strange object, this time, not trying to focus in one place. Its presence stood out in this dark and empty place like white marble in the sea of gray.

The boy reached out his hand toward the magical orb and touched the surface.

Suddenly, screams and wails exploded out of the orb as if countless damned souls were burning in the inferno of hell.

The boy just stood there while still touching the orb with his hand. He didn't flinch as if he wasn't affected by the screams and the wails.

After some minutes, the loud noise stopped, and silence returned to the dark landscape.

The boy tilted his head at the magical orb, his pair of eyes glinting excitedly underneath his hood.

"Well, well, well," the boy chuckled in a spine-chilling way. Then, he broke into a burst of loud laughter filled with insanity. "Finally! A way to escape this damned place."

Then he looked up toward the dark skies. "At last!" He yelled. "You've stopped me multiple times from getting out. But, soon, you will not stop me!" He thrust his fist into the air. "Soon, I'll be freed!" After that, he started to roar with laughter, which would drive listeners into madness.


A month had passed since I'd decided to stay with Ahri. We decided to stay in a cave that we had found near the village, which was about thirty minutes of walking distance away. It was located at a bottom of a mountainside that mostly consisted of rocks.

We spent a few days on decorating the cave, a place big enough for several people to live in, to be inhabitable; cleaning the place and making it more comfortable by spreading countless plucked leaves on the floor, except the entrance section where the campfire was placed. To avoid starting a fire in the entirety of the cave, we made sure the leaves were spread many steps away from it. We also made a table out of a log and two beds out of tree branches and covered them with leaves that didn't dry even though they were plucked out of the branches.

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